
I'll hold you when things go wrong
in love with 
part of  family

I'm your favourite sister you wanna fk.

I play league of legends and pubg, add me?



anonymousalmost 7 years
do you have a white bf?
does my brother count?
almost 7 years
can you find me some sugar daddies
girl id love to but im keeping them all to myself :/


17 / 20Super Sleuth!
7 / 20Do No Harm
6 / 10Scumhunter
5 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
2 / 30Oxyclean
over 13 years
Don't mind Atikur, he is just buttmad he lost.
over 13 years
+K and love <3
deletedover 13 years
we'll have to set up an appointment for that full body checkup haha
over 13 years
Inbox me yours :]!
over 13 years
I want to chatttttt
over 13 years
Y U KILL ME N1? :(
over 13 years
i'm sorry i took so long to hammer :( forgive me?
deletedover 13 years
You told me you were on the pill
over 13 years
deletedover 13 years
Sorry my friend i was watching and it looked like we had surely lost but i had to go and was disappointed with the performance. I am glad to hear that we won, good luck in your future endeavours my friend.
over 13 years
Ugh, don't go paris!
over 13 years
+k cuz you played well. kthx i never do this
over 13 years
i cant believe you lynched me even after i gave pimps honour!
over 13 years
work on your attitude brat.
deletedover 13 years
Not sure what to say.
deletedover 13 years
welcome to the game throw boys... u own, probably.
over 13 years
wow!!! good thing theres already a CAT in your avatar, lol. mrow! welcome to gamethrow boys ;)
over 13 years
Welcome to the Gamethrow Boys, Paris! Good to have ya aboard!
over 13 years
The Gamethrow Boyz welcome you with open hands. Glad to have you with us, Paris!
over 13 years
whoops sorry i didnt see it. now i accepted it!