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These players have been recognized for their exceptional Ghost abilities. Each has won a game of Ghost: Hardcore Mode (8 letters or more) either by guessing the word or by avoiding being lynched. They are listed in chronological order of induction. Congratulations!

Ghost Hall of Fame:

  1. CuddlesMcfurballista x 2 "ELECTION", "SPINOFFS"
  2. Moocow "VITAMINS"
  3. LadyGnarls "VITAMINS"
  4. godjammit "CARTWHEEL"
  5. Pacifist x 2 "BLOODBATH", "COOPERATE"
  6. Ignornace "MINEFIELD"
  7. Respect "DISCOVERY"
  8. miles1baseball "SEMICOLON"
  9. Sarynade "INTEREST"


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20Do No Harm
18 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 10Scumhunter
over 12 years
+K you, thanks for talking basketball with me in the graveyard....but I must show you these numbers in accordance with our Cousins vs. Bynum arguement

These are from last year.

Cousins: 18.1 ppg, 11.0 rpg, 1.2 bpg, 30.5 mpg
Bynum: 16.7 ppg, 11.1 rpg, 3.1 bpg, 37.6 mpg

So as you can see, pretty similar production. Bynum had almost 2 blocks more than Cousins, while Cousins had Bynum beat when it comes to points. The key factor though in my opinion is in the minutes played. Cousins had 7.1 minutes less per game than Bynum, and he's way younger. Just my two cents, I love talking basketball. Anyway, have a good day :)
over 12 years
you're right i would have but i didnt care because i was high last night ;@
over 12 years
i no i messd up plz tell
over 12 years
plz highspeed tell me
over 12 years
asl plz
over 12 years

this guy ccs the clear and doesnt even retract

one hell of a stupid player -k
Fuck yes, no.1
over 12 years
Thanks for trust, +ed you. Protip: upload a damn noavi, you got 17k points !!! Cya
over 12 years
I ddn't want to win with a veg kick. I'll gladly take a negative karma for upholding my own values. Thank you very much for that negative karma, that really taught me what your values are and how you present yourself.
deletedover 12 years
http://www.epicmafia.com/report/24950 Please talk more in ranked games
over 12 years
go kill yourself fat fuck
over 12 years
-K'd, total jerk.
almost 13 years
Good job on cross!
almost 13 years
good doc'ing +K
deletedalmost 13 years
over 13 years
+Ked, +K me back please
over 13 years
+k for turning the suspicion and PWNING
over 13 years
+k for having me fooled as maf, great game.
over 13 years
+k for putting up with me
over 13 years
+K me back please (: