
in love with 

Thanks for all of the fun people on EpicMafia, unfortunately almost all of you are deleted/gone forever and no new players will know of your legacy. ................................................................................................................................. Kitteh, Sunstorm, Oko, Dragoan, Riotkiller, Mario, Leafeon, Tatsuya, Jaguar, ZEEnon, Forbs, Alice, Commy, Peacemaker, Lysa200, Gothsweetie, IndexCards2, Totodile, Chowder, NoWWoN, lucidrains, Stephen, Silvere, GoalieGuy6, Ino, JamesLovesYoo, Scizandor, Kanashimi ,Darkrai ,Aessa,Slaxx and everyone else I forgot about.

--------- My egg babies/whores:

Gothsweetie19 = Purple Tatsuya = Blue Okopapa = Red NoWWon = Black Forbs = Pink Alice = Yellow Mario = Green Leafeon = Sexy Silver Commy- WHITE

FoS on Dragoan!

<3 ya leafeon

rkynick: I feel safe when grindernerd is around because I know I wont die n1

Scizandor 16 months 1 day 'No, cheating was the time that I claimed mafia to him and he let me claim granny while he claimed blue the rest of the game."

lucidrains 1 minute 45 seconds actually, i'm a tranny.

Found a picture of myself for honor role of politician. Had it up until it got deleted. Of course the one role I'm the best in right haha?

deletedover 14 years
over 14 years
Thank you for resolving that for me! :D
over 14 years
Grindernerd 1 day 10 hours
But more cushion for the pushin. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL and wow man way to leave me outta the loop .
over 14 years
They get so pissed xD
deletedover 14 years
:o ROFLMAOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! ok no this is how it's going down, do whatever u want just don't tell me XD ignorance is bliss!!!
over 14 years
Ikr? Stephen is even from Texas. =\
over 14 years
Psh, that's Booty. She was playing the penis game with Stephen. She won, ofc.
deletedover 14 years
.................. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ok u do that XD
deletedover 14 years
LOL IT'S ON!!!!!!! or i mean we could just let riot choose XD
deletedover 14 years
D: ok how about ur door? then when you're gone i'll sneak down and hide in ur closet....... wait i probably shouldn't have told u that XD
deletedover 14 years
LMAOOOOOO ok fine this is how it's going to go to make it more fair. i'm going to go assassin on ur ass, so leave your window unlocked BUT think of it this way: if u wake up b4 i kill u, u can probably over-power me XD
deletedover 14 years
>.> nah-uh i dont want to have to kill you, but i will >.>
deletedover 14 years
XD lmao u can haz greece if i can have riot XD
over 14 years
I bet he did lmao
over 14 years
ok pimp. no one wants my body anymore. my anal muscles are too flabby.
deletedover 14 years
Thank you!
over 14 years
thank you for trusting me.
over 14 years
...... Dick.... You made me shut off my computer. Ah well, no harm done *does a virus check*
over 14 years
sup eggdad
over 14 years
no u.