
On the Psycho Path
married to 
part of  family




7 / 20Do No Harm
6 / 20Super Sleuth!
almost 12 years
Ah, great. Ranked games pretty much suck. TOO MUCH PRESSURE TO BE A GOOD PLAYER, ARGH. Lawd knows I only got that karma by being somewhat nice. ;D
almost 12 years
Psh. Do I really seem like a comp player? :3 Mostly training, although, in all honestly, I don't really play EM all that much. It's honestly mostly unranked setups with friends. And you?
almost 12 years
Sparano. Wildcat.
almost 12 years
Well, then. Nice talking to you. :3
almost 12 years
D'aww, thank you. :3
almost 12 years
Lol hi there. I've seen you around here and there for a while now and you seem like a pretty good mafia player!
almost 12 years
:O Well, then. +k'd you because I like nice people, and I don't meet them very often.
almost 12 years
I don't know. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO KNOW? ;D
almost 12 years
Well that's not very nice :(
almost 12 years
Baloooo. And green and purple. I honestly like any color. Except for yellow. Yellow is disgusting. ;D
almost 12 years
Am I really that mean to you? lol
almost 12 years
Hahah, that's good. It's good that you have faith. <3 So, what's your favorite color?
almost 12 years
Meh, Tebow would be a great trade if not for the media coverage imo
almost 12 years
wingrl is mean to me
almost 12 years
Calling someone a dick is not being nice.
almost 12 years
Yeah. I feel like people are either saints or complete and utter assholes. :3 I AM TOTALLY A SAINT WHATCHU TALKING BOUT GURL? Saint Arbor Treeperson. Yup. That's me. xD
almost 12 years
I already +k'd you, but i must say how much i love ur avi :)
almost 12 years
after reading your comment i realised i didnt have you plussed :o plussed you straight-away!
almost 12 years
i love ur head.
almost 12 years