Raleigh, NC
part of  family

College student. Part-time waiter Hoping to one day be a film director. One day very soon.

anything else, just ask. oh, and i'm known to be a dick when i get too into a game of mafia, so excuse me ahead of time.

over 13 years
It's Reck. +k
over 13 years
Plussed cuz that was good foolin. :) ~Z
over 13 years
oh hey it's reck
deletedover 13 years
+K because MS.
almost 14 years
+k because I can understand the pain of being stuck in negative...

That and I'd like to subtlely entice people to +k me in return because I lost a shit ton the other day because I got drunk and played really horribly, so if you feel enticed to do so, I'd somewhat appreciate it.
almost 14 years
Fantastic game...even if you kept "forgetting" that I'm a he. Very well played. I'd +K if I were eligible.
about 14 years
+K please return.