I disagree with you, Karma is a good system, I didn't say great, but good, it serves a psychological purpose. It does say something about a player. For instance, if you go and rage on my page right now, and curse at me, you won't get a positive karma from me anytime, therefore, karma somehow mediate positive social interactions. Some players are friends because they plussed each other in the past. Take that away, you take a way of communication reward/punishment away and people would derp on each other's face like crazy. Also the number of report will increase, since people can't neg a player, they will ultimately report the play for any unpleasant behavior. However, you do have points, the karma system has be implemented, so I think some of your concerns had been addressed, so we can keep it the way it is now.
http://i53.tinypic.com/316ogie.png Hey, Strider reported this but as it doesn't show whether its ranked or not, can you confirm Ichizon did that in a ranked game?
wow sis, i hammered right, just took my time to read back and see his reports. 2 minutes lost, wow. you didn't even have to stay in the fuckin' game, you were dead. you're lucky spect is broken and i can't link the game here. chill the fuck down, cunt.
deletedalmost 14 years
BAD AVRIL. I said about 12 times if it wasn't Merwin it was the cop!!! She got an inno on me, I was Miller, she got a guilty on a fucking villager!!! COME ON NOW.