
floating thru the ether
part of  family

i havent been on this site in four literal years so bear with me

deletedabout 13 years um...wall stalking XD and can make out you're a good survivor hostess lol..if you host one, drop a post by my wall so i can join :D
about 13 years
Yeah, host a survivor please!
You are the best hostess
about 13 years
remake remake
about 13 years
wheres the survivor?
about 13 years
Hey, if you're on make a survivor!
about 13 years
+2k What happened to the Punctuations? :P
deletedabout 13 years
it wasnt my role to begin with, so w.e. a friend made it so i have no bragging rights.
deletedabout 13 years
Good game. You knew it was me, but then you were unsure. Bussing is hard to call. I think that you played well though. Sorry for the deception.
deletedabout 13 years
+k'd please return
about 13 years
Hey there, please review my role :)
about 13 years
Welcome to "the cats" :D
about 13 years
gg, I plussed you ;)

I couldnt find you in sandbox
about 13 years
about 13 years
negged for losing autowin....
about 13 years
+k for good read on 3 way
about 13 years
Returned the +K 'cuz I'm nice like that :)
about 13 years
Plussed. :D
deletedabout 13 years
Thanks. You're awesome :D, hope we get to play a game together soon
about 13 years
Thank you very much :)
about 13 years
gratz on 5/5 win xD

i had 4/5 win :p