

i don't care about karma but if you neg me you have a reason AND BETTER HAVE BALLS TO SAY, TIMID

---> 1 2 3

anyway sometime i had 500 karma but with changes to karma system i have 123 now and i like my 1 2 3 karma so please don't change it thanks <3

deletedalmost 14 years
Haha thanks I just turned 13. :)
almost 14 years
ok, there was -k for fenix, plz +k me, i was playing well that fool
deletedalmost 14 years
Lmao wat
almost 14 years
+k for gg
almost 14 years
aww <3 (:
almost 14 years
aww thanks! +k back to you! :)
almost 14 years
Returned :D
almost 14 years
im gunna +K you back riiiiiight abooooout NOW! and I doubt that pic is you, butttttt if it is "IF" you're cute.
almost 14 years
i am a heron. i haev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans
deletedalmost 14 years
+k you back and thank you
deletedalmost 14 years
+k :) I remember people bashing you but "they hating you cuz you beautiful" :P
almost 14 years
+k returned thanks so much (:
almost 14 years
And I just saw the comment you put on my page. Like I said, I'm new. Give me a break. But I am sorry.
almost 14 years
Sorry about that =/ I took it too far, and I obviously have some learning to do lol I just started playing yesterday. But anyway, I apologize for being so dumb about that game =/
almost 14 years
thanks so much, i'll return it when i can!
almost 14 years
ty for the k :D +4K
almost 14 years
right back at ya
almost 14 years
thank you! i'll return it when i can!
almost 14 years
Thanks for the K! And +K to salam for helping Halogen win. ;-)
almost 14 years
thank you for the karma.