
New York City

Used to love this game back in summercamp. Brings back fond memories...

People who know me can guise-test me on anything you know about me.

People who don't know me can ask me who my alt is. The answer (refers to my avatar and) is in that char's profile.

deletedabout 13 years
You're lucky it wasn't noticed, otherwise I woulda had to make it a 24 hour one. Least you should remember in future now, lol.
deletedabout 13 years
Sorry, had to suspend you for that.
deletedabout 13 years
friendly word of advice for the future: in that game you were in, you could not leave megahmen alive, because from your perspective she could have hammered you and didn't.
deletedabout 13 years
Dear Drach,

Your loving response was both well-received and well-written. The only thing that gave me more pleasure than to see you share my enthusiasm for our relationship was touching myself while scrolling through your profile, which, I must say, you have decked out nicely. It saddens me to hear that your heart has been wasted on the likes of me, alas, this is the great tragedy of epicmafia. Tomorrow, when your heart begins anew, think of me and only me, and of how smithing my guns comes second to smithing the armor that is our relationship. Strong, and usually warm with blood. Remember that I only silence your claims so that your oral presence does not disrupt our lips from dancing. O' remember my tree, that although the axe may forget, he, inevitably, stays just as sharp. Thinking of you always, Lapse.
deletedabout 13 years
Dear Drach,

I have yet to receive your friend request, but I expect it will arrive anytime now. I look forward to both playing with you again and getting to know you at a much more personal level.

Love always,
about 13 years
Sorry, everyone, for Sui'ing. I had a real-world emergency that I had to respond to.
deletedabout 13 years
+k for some super sweet style
about 13 years
+K for a very nice maf win!
deletedabout 13 years
+K for epic town save
about 13 years
I plussed you :)
about 13 years
+4k back ;D
about 13 years
deal w/it
deletedabout 13 years
Awww, isn't that nice. *grin*
deletedabout 13 years
about 13 years
Furthermore, your argument that I was pushing too hard on confirmed scum is absolutely ridiculous! Honestly, I have seen bad games in my time here, but that was pathetic.
about 13 years
Then learn to think? I explained several times why Play was scum, why his strategy was pathetic and something that made no logical sense; you refuted everything I said for no reason. You just tunnelled on me from the start of the game. I don't neg people for losing on lylo. I neg them for lacking basic logical deduction in easy, simple situations. Get out of silver.
about 13 years
up in here
deletedabout 13 years
Plussed because i lost at cc'ing
about 13 years
+k, please return :)
deletedabout 13 years
Plussed you back for being a good player. (: