
New York City

Used to love this game back in summercamp. Brings back fond memories...

People who know me can guise-test me on anything you know about me.

People who don't know me can ask me who my alt is. The answer (refers to my avatar and) is in that char's profile.

over 13 years
+4k ! <3
deletedover 13 years
d'awww +k +k :)
over 13 years
Wai... D':
over 13 years
over 13 years
+K! :)
over 13 years
+k'd :)
over 13 years
Well played:}
I'd +K you but I don't have enough points haha :))
over 13 years
have some karma, it's on me
deletedover 13 years
Thanks for the add. Plussed you :)
deletedover 13 years
+karma for you
over 13 years
vvvvvvv u mad vvvvvvv
over 13 years
alack, dear Drach, I do what I want. That is one opinion of gameplay - it is a SUGGESTED strategy. Allow me to explain.

Ideal situation n1 is for miller or mafia to die, correct? With this information, you have 3/7 people you would like to hit as vigi. In addition, eliminating one of the blues further limits the pool in which the leftover mafia can hide, forcing the cc's to come to light. Ideally would result in 2 remaining blues, making your mafia cc's either 50/50 or 1/3. This also clears the remaining roles - either doc and vigi, or the two blues. The "cops" probably have reports on some of these, and this is good.

With that in mind, there are 5/7 roles I have no compunction against eliminating. Also, it's vastly more entertaining, and there is a vigi in the setup to be used. Why choose to play in the setup if you don't to have a crazy man shooting people at night?
deletedover 13 years
+4K for youu :)
deletedover 13 years
+K for you! :) See you around!
over 13 years
good team work!
over 13 years
gave you some karma :)