
married to 
part of  family



1 / 20Rigged

Created Setups

deletedover 12 years
MFW i go 0/5 as town. Then finally win as mafia. Shitty day. hbu?
deletedover 12 years
I felt like he trolled, but I don't believe it significantly affected the outcome. If you disagree feel free to open an appeal requesting a refund as outlined in the appeal thread.
over 12 years
When I get an invite...
over 12 years
When you walk away you don't hear me say, "please oh baby don't go". Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight. It's hard to let it go...
deletedover 12 years
With all due respect, you should make more noise about getting that shit refunded because the mods fucked you big time
over 12 years
w/e she just wants you for that pimp juice anyway
over 12 years
WinningDuh 14 hours 11 minutes
I love you
well you certainly moved on quickly....whore
over 12 years
I rated up your setups and +k'ed you to 24 karma.
deletedover 12 years
I love you
over 12 years
show respex 2 ur bro in law
deletedover 12 years
It's a pain to get TEO game filled up. lol
deletedover 12 years
Lol this rap thread
over 12 years
Look at what you just said to me on my wall, Brown. Review it. See it. Then hang your head down in shame,.you insufferable failure
deletedover 12 years
You just got told by PJ.
over 12 years
Silent negging is for pussies so if you are silent negging me....just know....ur a pussy

Hm, well I guess I should tell you I negged you for being a stuck up, obnoxious, rude, meta-abusing douchebag
deletedover 12 years
Say it ain't so brownpimp. What happened with the cheating reports? Tell me. :(
over 12 years
I still have my mouth open in awe. It seems that you are over it... I am happy to see that.
deletedover 12 years
Nice one Mr. Brown Pimp
deletedover 12 years
your troll-style of play just bothers me.
deletedover 12 years
Sorryyyy. My internet shut off for like 10 minutes. Mehh. I had that won, too. =/