
abc is a lolegend
God tier ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ
in love with someone gone
part of  family

. lol

almost 13 years
i plussed your role, even if its gonna get some stiff competition from the willsmith
almost 13 years
Thanks for the +k, testing to see if I can comment now.
almost 13 years
I rated up your setup. Please plus K me :)
almost 13 years
plussed your role, it's like a tailor of the wills, nice xD
deletedalmost 13 years
Okay sure. Can you plus "Leave No trace" again, coz I accidentally deleted it.
deletedalmost 13 years
Plussed your role. Plus this up:
deletedalmost 13 years
But Leila isn't my real name ;)
deletedalmost 13 years
Thanks for the public service announcement natty.
deletedalmost 13 years
Yeah someone told me of that when he had 0. But thanks anyway.
almost 13 years
More plusses for you!
almost 13 years
Plussed your role :) If you like this setup (only if you like it) you can plus it.
deletedalmost 13 years
Natstar•2 minutes 3 seconds
I think Derpachu is suiciding on purpose.

you think a lot of stupid things that aren't true, natstar.
deletedalmost 13 years
What about Divinity?
almost 13 years
Plussed. It's a great role.
deletedalmost 13 years
I plussed it. Was going to say you should rename it lawyer, then I realize we already had that role :/
deletedalmost 13 years
For the record starscream comes back in season 3 :)
deletedalmost 13 years
No prob and thanks
deletedalmost 13 years
Thanks for the plus on both, plussed you back.
almost 13 years
Would like to make it clear I did not copy your role - just had the same idea without seeing yours. Still, I´d like to see the Willsmith role made. But you can have tokens or whatever if it does - I´m not too bothered. XD +K for great minds thinking alike!
almost 13 years
I already have you plussed, but I like the gold digger idea, so I plussed it.