- YO DUDE i swear i didn't made it on purpose ! I thought u'd flip that night ! I pwned the warlock because if we nked nobody won :/
But i was serious and i thought we were about to join together...which didn't hapened :(
I swear that if it's possible to make another game where i will be able to joint with you, i will.
Double plussed u to apologize. Thanks anyway bro, and sorry again.
i wouldnt say theyre snappy because im not productive. its more based on the fact that you keep finding a way to drag this on.and of course a pharmacy college student wouldnt be produtive at all. no way could a person like that be busy at all haha
lol ok sure your record is better cause you spend more time playing this online game while im out being productive in life. i totally agree with you man
rofl actually ive used a nk plenty of times before as mafia and doc happened to be on me. despite the chance of that happening it still happens. im not saying doc save is scummy BUT theres still a chacne it was a NK. so how bout we end this stupid argument that has dragged on FAR longer than it shouldve. dont post on my wall and i wont on yours. thanks -_-"
while you fosed me based off of NOTHING i fosed you based off the fact you were trying to point fingers based on, as i said, NOTHING. and even in that game and the one after you continued to deny "fosing" me in the first place. youre an idiot. seriously. shake my head -_-". you say on thing then say another. tisk tisk
lol youre an idiot. i didnt tell you how to play you fucktard. all i said was there was a possbility so clearly you dont know how to read shit. plus a player with a status like yours SHOULD know there are plenty of variables that goes into someones status and does not 100% reflect someones performance. for all we know you couldve died n1 hundreds of times while town did the work. so stfu, go to school, and get some education you dope cause youre a certified idiot