
here to guise n1
in love with 

   words drip like honey, dear; how sweet it is to hear —

       but not everything you are presented

           is as it appears !


anonymousabout 7 years
what do you think about dating online im 15 and think u r really gorgeous
as a general principle i dont date people that think of me as a potential romantic/sexual partner before they start thinking of me as anything else
anonymousabout 7 years
can i see bob and vagene pic pls
im fifteen years old buddy
anonymousabout 7 years
:doge: guess who it is that i may or may not be
dg? alyssa? karma? logan??
over 7 years
I read a story about a guys brother who picked a banana up to pretend to use it as a phone but he picked up a bunch instead and said "guess it's a conference call"
over 7 years
o shit u cant respond to pms anymore cant u. so ya need points ?
ye sure my dude id appreciate that
about 7 years
hi i love you too
about 7 years
i kinda ditched tho lol...............
about 7 years
no u
about 7 years
its a human bean
about 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
xylophone xylophone xylophone xylophone
about 7 years
about 7 years
ok but ur driving i'm too chicken to drive
about 7 years
kid???? i'll have u know im a legal senior citizen now !!'! get off my lawn !!!!!!!
deletedabout 7 years
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deletedover 7 years
big mood
over 7 years
Please sign here x_____ for a friendship contract /人 ◕ ‿‿ ◕ 人\ (and a +k :3)
deletedover 7 years
thank you <3
over 7 years
tfw can't be a verum alt :<
over 7 years
If I'm your alt what will my typing style/ personality be like? :3c
deletedover 7 years
its ok we're all dying
deletedover 7 years
heya! +k
over 7 years
You cannot karma someone who hasn't played at least 10 games yet!
over 7 years
omg!! i love your art style !! so much talent
deletedover 7 years