
have you ever wanted to disappear?
married to 
part of  family





anonymousover 5 years
you're a bitch
It’s ok bb
anonymousover 5 years
fuck you, you pathetic ass bitch ass motherfucking stupid ass little cunt nugget. go fucking die
i love all my fans
over 5 years
U answered a report of me from this game. https://epicmafia.com/game/6923843 - Really weird you are protecting a gamethrowing and warning me for reporting this gamethrow. Then dont make a report button if u love gamethrowers.
ok well, dm me and i can fully explain my thinking and why i came to this decision.
over 5 years
who u?
the sky
over 5 years
hi bb


25 / 25Explosion!
10 / 20He's Batman
3 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 15New Sheriff in Town
about 6 years
LMAO hahah imagine me giving my alts away
about 6 years
i love you a lot even though you broke up with my em alts twice
about 6 years
!!!! here
about 6 years
Awwwwwwww :3
about 6 years
you're popular though
deletedabout 6 years
i invite you
deletedabout 6 years
cure me
about 6 years
No me >.>
about 6 years
bc i deserve good things
about 6 years
are you gonna buy me a map...
about 6 years
And hi :3
about 6 years
It expands everyDAY for youuuuuuuu. If I ded it's your fault for making my heart expand so much v.v
about 6 years
i love our friend group
about 6 years
I notice u have a lot of friends and i got 2
about 6 years
living legend <3
about 6 years
about 6 years

My heart eXPANDS for yoUUUU~~~~~~~