Actually the 3rd time I was close too, I even got a personal PM telling me why I wasn't picked, it just gets more and more depressing and I'm running out of reasons to apply. This was quite possibly the worst because Goodbar told me I was picked and then it turns out I was rejected at the last minute. The biggest kick of all is the fact Goodbar got picked over me just because he shared a beer with lucid, and the fact lucid picked by favorites is something even more telling that lucid doesn't like me all around.
deletedalmost 13 years
That was my 4th time applying I dunno if I have it in me to try again
I'm going to change it after i finish the latest anime i'm obsessed with
deletedalmost 13 years
You so slow
deletedalmost 13 years
friend :) it wouldn't let me write back to you earlier... i was trying to let you know i missed ye all in comp :P and to say cheers for the sympathies... cheers! maybe now?
deletedalmost 13 years
bitch ^.^
deletedalmost 13 years
i just wanna be back in comp with all you lovely people :( cheers for the sympathies!