almost 6 years

GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Sandbox! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Steve (yes, THE Steve from Minecraft) getting confirmed in Smash Ultimate! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming Fighter Pass when Steve walks into the spotlight!

>b-but Banjo has a good history with Nintendo! He’s gotta be in! “No!”

Sorry Banjo , but the Microsoft rep is taken by yours truly! Why would Nintendo choose a dead character over the marketing potential of the highest grossing game of the 21st century? Sakurai went way out of his way to talk up Persona 5 before Joker's reveal, guess what other game he's talked up? That's right, it's Minecraft! The DLC characters have also been confirmed to be “surprising” according to the developers, so I’m afraid your years of crying for Banjo are going to be subverted once again with the reveal of our favorite underdog! But feel free to continue your denial. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!

over 5 years
over 5 years
threads that didn't age well
over 5 years
there might be a lot to be surprised by in this thread, but not when it comes to its participants
over 5 years
this cannot be happening
over 5 years
rip lilin's prediction
over 5 years
Oh god my stomach is turning this is like the red room from twin peaks
over 5 years
over 5 years
hey OP is there a direct correlation between playing smash and having a thicc dicc? asking for a friend
poor foresight from lilin yet again

yet another reason why their bid for sandbox owner is doomed to failure
almost 6 years
as absurd as it is its possible dante could be a character in smash and id play him... even if hes Another sword fighter
almost 6 years
on that note, the guy from dragon quest is probably the one that's gonna get confirmed
almost 6 years

Psy says

if you play smash its obvious you aren't getting Smashed in real life lmfao gottem!

factually correct and proved by the stench of the average smash player
almost 6 years
if you play smash its obvious you aren't getting Smashed in real life lmfao gottem!
almost 6 years
hatsune miku btw
almost 6 years
*rubbing my lice all over this thread*
almost 6 years