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what should i watch tonight

almost 6 years

refer to poll

i cant make my own decisions so i rely on the internet to make them for me. thank u

silence of the lambs
the lobster
the hateful eight (extended version)
the captive
schindler's list
dead in a week (or your money back)
flash of genius
the duchess
kill the messenger
almost 6 years
almost 6 years

aquarius says

Ok nepenthe and I just watched the lobster together

I hated it
She isn't sure if she liked or disliked it

It was awful plot wise there are so many things that were completely unnecessary and didn't make any sense UGH I just wasted 2 hours of my life

grace just made me watch the 'hang the dj' episode of black mirror and watching it convinced me that i did, in fact, like the lobster
almost 6 years
The Lobster is a fantastic film. Yorgos is daddy.
almost 6 years
sounds like u arent a fan of lobsters
almost 6 years
Ok nepenthe and I just watched the lobster together

I hated it
She isn't sure if she liked or disliked it

It was awful plot wise there are so many things that were completely unnecessary and didn't make any sense UGH I just wasted 2 hours of my life
almost 6 years
Watch Enlightened the TV show. You will NOT regret it:)
almost 6 years
While The Hateful Eight might not be the masterpiece of storytelling that Silence of the Lambs is, it has some of the best cinematography in any film this decade. Watching it is honestly an addicting experience that you don't want to end. Over 3 hour long movie that will easily make you say "it's over already?"
almost 6 years
the lobster made me all kinds of uncomfortable
almost 6 years

mac says

aquarius says

watched moonlight.



what happened to juan and teresa??? like they suddenly just fell out of the picture, and i know it's partially because he moved to atlanta but... when he came to visit his mom she asked if he had talked to teresa lately and he said yeah she good. but that's it? im mad i didnt get to see what happened to them after he was locked up UGH

p sure its implied he died

i didnt get that at all but maybe i missed something. i dunno. i just wish they had tied that thread up more

especially if he died then

wouldnt that have had a big impact on chiron's life? he was basically the only dad he ever had and if he died, im shocked that chiron had no reaction to it. especially since he basically ended up just like juan..
almost 6 years

aquarius says

watched moonlight.



what happened to juan and teresa??? like they suddenly just fell out of the picture, and i know it's partially because he moved to atlanta but... when he came to visit his mom she asked if he had talked to teresa lately and he said yeah she good. but that's it? im mad i didnt get to see what happened to them after he was locked up UGH

p sure its implied he died
almost 6 years
watched moonlight.



what happened to juan and teresa??? like they suddenly just fell out of the picture, and i know it's partially because he moved to atlanta but... when he came to visit his mom she asked if he had talked to teresa lately and he said yeah she good. but that's it? im mad i didnt get to see what happened to them after he was locked up UGH
almost 6 years
you know what, don't worry about my suggestion
almost 6 years
You should also see its equally good predecessor: Manhunter.
almost 6 years
watched silence of the lambs. WHAT A CLIFFHANGER
almost 6 years
the room
almost 6 years

doggo says

have u seen any of these already

nope i have not seen any of them. i'm 2/3rds through silence of the lambs now though.

GodStephCurry says

how about watching your bucks tonight instead

i dont have cable!!! but i will keep track of the score

nepenthe says

if you end up watching the lobster pls tell me if it's any good afterwards coz i've been meaning to watch it for years and still haven't gotten around to it

also go watch moonlight

also it's not on the poll but go watch short term 12 (it has a looooot of super heavy themes so only watch it if you're ready to cry n be super upset but it's incredible)

i will put it on the list!! and i rly want to watch the lobster so i'll let u know
almost 6 years
if you end up watching the lobster pls tell me if it's any good afterwards coz i've been meaning to watch it for years and still haven't gotten around to it

also go watch moonlight

also it's not on the poll but go watch short term 12 (it has a looooot of super heavy themes so only watch it if you're ready to cry n be super upset but it's incredible)
almost 6 years
how about watching your bucks tonight instead
almost 6 years
have u seen any of these already
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
i think i will just watch in order of most votes this weekend