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almost 6 years

1) Improve onboarding

  • When you create a brand new account pop up a window asking you to add an avatar (mention equal dimensions, you have to upload an avatar), optionally select your gender , optionally enter an age, optionally enter your birthday. Afterwards highlight where they can change these things.

  • On a brand new account creation force someone to play a quick (couple minute at most) tutorial that explains the rules of Mafia, highlights where people can see their roles and what they do, explains gun/knife/snowball/key/crystall/bread/bomb etc. If Lucid is even feeling frisky he could have the example players have name colors or something and mention that you can purchase additional cosmetic features in the store towards the end. :D

(Note that neither of the above would apply to alt accounts created as the user already knows how to play and ideally where to set that stuff up.)

After the tutorial ends very quickly highlight Main & Sandbox and explain how one is for more serious play where you have to follow tight rules (and link to the rules) and the other is more casual with less rules so the player can more easily find the lobby that suits their preference.

2) UX Changes

  • On higher resolutions edit the top right of the UI so that it displays all the icons individually. Here's a poorly done MS Paint example:

  • Remove graphical mode since no work is going to be put into it (and shouldn't be put into it). It's just confusing for newer players if they accidentally hit it.

  • Change the in-game UI so that settings is in a more sensible place, bad MS Paint example here:

  • In general the best thing Lucid could do is focus on making the website a good experience on mobile, ideally as it's own Android app. If he focused on making this an A+ mobile version and then got it packaged onto the Android Store for advertisement I think there'd be an incredibly big boom of players because the mobile competition when it comes to Mafia (+ other games!) is...not good?

Being able to take advantage of push notifications when the day/night cycle changes etc would be great too.

  • Let us edit setups after we have created them.

3) Gameplay Tweaks

  • Make faster game & no spectators save their checkmark status per player so if I check both I never have to check them ever again.

  • If "Faster game" mode is turned on and the village forces an equal vote lynch (e.g. 2 people vote X person, 2 people vote Y person) then advance to the night phase.

  • Let players click/tap on the role icons on the left next to our names to automatically put the role description in chat (just for them).

  • Let players click on the Village/Mafia/3P boxes at the top of the game window that shows the setup to hold the window showing the role icons, and then when players mouse over the icon it shows a tiny box of the role name and if clicked/tapped puts the role description in chat (just for them).

4) Role Tweaks for clarity

  • Villager: When you're in a setup where Villager isn't actually a role in the setup and you roll one of the roles that appear as villager, display a sysmsg saying something akin to "You don't know what your real Town role is, and only appear to be a Villager."

  • King/Governor/Don: When they use their ability to redirect the vote, play a sysmsg at the start of night mentioning that "Against the village's wishes, someone else forced [player name] to be lynched."

  • Sidekick: If Sidekick is rolled make it so the rest of the 3p's are rolled in such a way where in a 2+ 3p setup Sidekick is GUARANTEED to be partnered with someone he can actually win with. (e.g. in a setup with only 2 3p, if Sidekick is rolled then the other 3p can't roll as Old Maid unless if Old Maid is the only other 3p in the setup)

  • Troublemaker: Enable the 2nd troublemaker vote to support mouse clicks/tapping rather than having to choose through a drop down window.

almost 6 years
Hopefully the images work for people now I spent a hard 1 minute in MS Paint making them.
almost 6 years
1) 100% agree.
2) Agree with all of this other than moving settings, just doesn't seem necessary to me. I guess making it easier to find is good though.
3) I agree with this, making it easier to see what a role does is important.
4) All of these tweaks seem good. The Sidekick tweak I think is especially important because making it impossible for Sidekick to win is unfun.

btw, your images are broken. Remove the 's' from 'https://' so it's just 'http://' and they should work.