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this is not a thread

about 5 years

hi i am here to radiate big dumbass energy and be generally insufferable. please join me in this journey

ask for opinions, just ask me general q&a stuff or something, dunno, the usual stuff everyone else does with their thread

sign this if you like vore
5 signed
sign this if you like vore
how are you feeling?
about 5 years
i demand an opinion RIGHT now even though i never gave u one yet
about 5 years

Raccoon says

facts pls

and go-to breakfast food

fact: epicmafia user Raccoon is cool as heck

and i don't have a fav breakfast food coz i almost never eat breakfast. are bananas breakfast food? probably not but imma say that anyway
about 5 years

meowmeulin says

opiniin bich

you're super funny and ty for tolerating all my shitposting haha. and also you're just generally a p welcoming person. v cool, i'm glad we're friends
about 5 years

meowmeulin says

opiniin bich

here's my opinion:
u suck
about 5 years
facts pls

and go-to breakfast food
about 5 years
opiniin bich
about 5 years

error says

did you peep my playlist(s)

i tried to but spotify's search came up with nothing so i kinda gave up. feel free to drop links though coz i still wanna check them out
about 5 years
did you peep my playlist(s)
about 5 years

emma says


also if u have a favorite song, what is it?

also also here for an opinion

aight imma start with the opinion: initially i kinda thought you were a bit of an аsshole just bc the ppl around you sucked. but that changed a lot since, i think you're an awesome person now! funny as heck and easy to joke around with, and also really nice but still super honest kinda. like to me you seem like the kind of person who would absolutely obliterate anyone who dared to hurt your friends and that is something i respect a lot, ESPECIALLY since you're normally a super kind person

as for the music:

the radio dept.'s "we climb the wired fences" is my favourite song without a doubt. i don't even know why. i guess there is something magical about how it uses really simple elements to build up to perfection

i would also like to highlight glass animals - "agnes" for being one of the most emotional songs i've ever heard
about 5 years

jacobkrin says


also here for an opinion

i think you're one of those ppl who are liked by literally everyone and understandably so. you're super kind and chill, and just generally a positive presence who does good stuff for the community. v nice dude
about 5 years

also if u have a favorite song, what is it?

also also here for an opinion
about 5 years

also here for an opinion