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about 5 years

Disclaimer: This document isn't meant to be offensive, but, the subjects which I will be discussing have been known to make people cause harm to others and or themselves. Read at your own responsibility. I'm merely writing this now because I feel a change in the paradigm is occuring right at this moment, and it's a big one. This is the optimal moment I could have used to write this.

Psy placed a picture on the wall today that caught my attention. A picture which stated "Yes I'm gay. Yes I'm homophobic. We exist". The funny thing about this message which stuck with me was an underlining nature which is commonly overlooked by people around the entire world. The nature of identity.

One might ask "how can you be gay if you are homophobic", yet fail to realize there are black men in the klu klux klan. The reason why this is interesting has to do with the nature of what I call the trinity of corruption. The ego, identity, and a desire of one to control their environment over their own self control. Before I go into the nature of explaining the trinity, I need to first explain why I mentioned the gays being homophobic quote.

It's a reference clearly to how humans are controlled more so by their identity than they control their identity. It's easier to be controlled by your identity than it is to control your own identity. If you are told your entire life something small which you don't really understand much about, then that's all you'll know. Tornados are deadly and can kill people, which is true, but, people have walked inside tornados fearlessly and came out unscathed, although most wouldn't. Just because we call something deadly doesn't mean it's absolutely true, but, when something isn't absolutely true, it defeats our expectations which leads to an identity crisis.

You were told your entire life, a great number of things which aren't absolutely true. "Homosexuals have aids and hiv, drugs are bad, and God is real", is merely a sample of the things I'v been told my entire life, but, the truth is, these things are merely identities being created for me by my environment. None of these are absolutely true and in fact, sometimes can be quite the opposite. This created an expectation inside of me, that God is real even though I have absolutely no proof other than a universe that looks like it's in order, yet funny enough, order can easily be created from a dynamical system with no God absolutely needed. When my expectations are defeated, I no longer know how to identify with my belief, yet still believe in what I was told because I know nothing else. This created an identity crisis and instead of accepting defeat, I accept that defeat is a bad thing because that's what I was taught my entire life in movies and video games. I never accept defeat even if it means I could get better at winning later. This leads to those who have an identity crisis attempting to manipulate their environment in order to meet their expectations.

Homosexuals have aids, sure, but, if it becomes an expectation of you to believe so, then guess what; You will make it true even if it isn't to prevent this identity crisis. This strengthens your identity relative to yourself or your own ego if you will, while also making you have more control over others around you as you force your will on others to get what you want, almost like creating religion because your mother and father died and you'll never get them back, expecting them to be there because that's how it was your entire life. If you can't tell yourself your mother is gone and there is nothing you can do about it, then how can you ever tell yourself that your life is a lie in any other aspect? You can't because your ego won't let you. To prove this to you as best as I can, which isn't easy for me to do because I have no idea who you are, I have to convince you to convince yourself you're wrong about something and you have to accept that you are even if you aren't really, but, any idea that you might be right must be clear from your mind even if only for a second to truly say. It's not an easy path, but, let me try to make it more clear as to how I learned this.

I was watching prisoners of war get tortured and learning how they tortured people. The war wasn't over and nobody had won or lost, but, in prison, the soldiers captured by enemies always went through mental test to try and subvert them to the enemies cause. General the way this worked is if you were religious, they would convince you to become atheist. If you believed you were a specific race, they would try to convince you that you were merely wearing the skin and that had you had any other color of skin and the same mind, you would easily be convinced you were whatever you looked like because that's how you came to the belief of what race you were in the first place. If that didn't work, they would attack how you identify with your country. If that still didn't work, they would kill you because there was nothing they could do to break you without breaking themselves. They attacked the ego. This is the ego gauntlet and it's what people would have to go through in order to be absolved of their ego, without the killing part.

If you destroy your identity, you destroy your ego, and you destroy your will to control others around you. This is how the trinity works. Just like heat makes pressure and volume go up, as does your identity make your ego and will to control go up. This is destroying the United States today more than ever before, just like my father use to say "the kings of today are the killers of tomorrow". Go look at the racial statistics for 2016 in the FBIs crime records by race publication and see for yourself what ego is causing people to do. You don't own anything and anything can be taken from you at any moment. As you read this right now, there are armies of people in foreign countries amassing both the numbers and identity of their people. It's really hard to convince intelligent people of this because it's inherently an unintelligent thing to identify yourself in an absolute manner. These people want to kill others because of their identity. Because someone told them who they were, they believe they are because they were told so. They didn't invent the words that they themselves use to describe themselves or others, yet they use those words because they are controlled by what others say so easily and are too blinded by their own egos to see it. Look at the blood shed completely unnecessary being done because every identity comes with a foundation myth attached to it.

The only thing God of the bible had to do in order to destroy Babylon permanently was to make people look and speak differently. This is because they no longer had the same identity. This means their egos were too big and that they were controlled by their ego.

I tell you what I am; You don't tell me what I am. I see it time and time again as people who are told who they are tell others who they are because they're weak minded and believe they are undefeated, yet they were defeated when they accepted what others told them. You were defeated when someone told you that you belonged to a nation, you belonged to a race, or belonged to a religion, as everybody in the world doesn't choose what race they are, but, they do choose what race they say they are and if people want to assume your identity off of that alone, then they are the ones with the ego. These are the people killing others today. These are the people silencing others today. Words hurt them more than knifes hurt them because without their belief, they have only their knowledge and that isn't much. Now imagine if they used the portion of their brain they wasted on beliefs and gained practical knowledge instead, how much more intelligent that person would be.

We all die some day, but because people can't handle reality, some of us die sooner and the only thing we can do about it is remove our identity from ourselves.

about 5 years
about 5 years
about 5 years
ogwam, stfu u stinky wasp
about 5 years
i admire the effort but it probably wasn't really worth posting it here lmao
about 5 years
Tl;read some of it
about 5 years
about 5 years
i didnt read it but i agree
about 5 years
i will whittle my identity into a spear that will puncture the pads of your fingers so that you may stop posting
about 5 years

dzke says

i have stupid disease dumb this down

Stop being controlled by your identity and control your identity instead. Others tell you what to believe and you believe it, yet have you ever taught yourself anything instead?
about 5 years
i have stupid disease dumb this down
about 5 years
Мы начинаем наше космическое путешествие в те времена, когда трава была зеленее и музыка прекраснее, когда еще не было плохой музыки, дабы вернуть давно утерянную формулу хорошей музыки. Рассекая пространство и время, мы слышим звуки божественной музыки, в которой каждая нота находится на своем месте. Кажется нечто подобное испытывают люди когда слушают альбомы Sigur Ros, некое блаженное чувтсво. Это состояние невозможно описать, трудно уловить и легко потерять, но удивительно, на всем протяжении нашего путешествия оно все усиливается и усиливается. В окне иллюминатора пролетают все самые значимые музыкальные и исторические вехи в истории. Важна уже не конечная точка прибытия, а само путешествие, потому что стремление - вот самое главное в нашей жизни, достигнув определенной точки нам обязательно захочется продолжить путешествие дальше. Честно говоря я уже не знаю где мы находимся, достигли мы того самого места? И где это место? Скорее всего мы улетели намного дальше, за пределы пространства времени. Неужели мы так и не нашли формулы? неужели все напрасно? Наше путешествие - вот та самая формула, точнее одна из ее композиций, собранная из обрывков воспоминаний. Вычислить ее невозможно, но нам крупно повезло и мы стали редкими счастливчиками которым открылась одна из идеальных музыкальных композиций. Сможем ли мы когда-нибудь повторить это путешествие… возможно не скоро, но когда-нибудь обязательно, а пока нужно вернуться на землю и передать человечеству данные собранные нашими датчиками. Мы не настолько умны чтобы из полученных данных вычислить формулу, но зато у нас появилась одна из композиций сгенерированных этой идеальной формулой. Так правильно, ведь если бы человечество обладало “ключем” ни к чему хорошему это не привело бы.
about 5 years