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SBVV3 Applications

almost 6 years

The Hosts

      XFire         Borrach      100GOD

FireDragonPrince   beastman2764  Highspace   

               SBVivor 3: Rodos The Island of Knights


After an amazing second season, Sandbox Survivor returns with its third season! Located on the Island of Rhodes, this will be the battleground for our next batch of contestants. It is here, that the Knights of Rhodes battled and called home for centuries of battles and crusades. Claiming the lands that they wanted and defeating anyone who stood in their way, the Knights quickly became a force to be reckoned with.

Will you take control of the game and conquer the competition, or will you lose the battle and be forced to bend the knee to the enemy?

Join hosts XFire, Chris, Saurabh, Jake, Emile, and Matt for a great experience that you won’t want to miss!

Applications are now Open, and will close May 26th.

The Game

This will be played over a period of 2 months, and will be run on Discord. The challenges will also be different from what you usually see on EpicMafia, including flash games, endurance, creativity, etc.

Players who competed in previous season of SBVivor may not apply for SBVivor 3


over 5 years

Thanks to everyone who applied for this season! We will be narrowing down the cast over the next few days and sending out invitations later in the week.
over 5 years
over 5 years

Schikgil says

I heard that you can still apply to this

can confirm
over 5 years
I heard that you can still apply to this
over 5 years
i would if i could.. f
over 5 years
over 5 years
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
i am xfire
almost 6 years
Apply or else XFire will find you...and XFire will kill you.....
almost 6 years
hi (apply)
almost 6 years
hi xfire
almost 6 years
Apply Apply Apply (hi xfire) Apply Apply Apply
almost 6 years
well met xfire
almost 6 years
yee yee
almost 6 years
can I still join?
almost 6 years
hi xfire
almost 6 years
yee yee
almost 6 years

mssbooklover says

what is survivor pls explain is it like the hunger games are people going to kill me do i need to give you my social security number are you nigerian princes giving me fifty thousand dollars how to play pls i am so confused pls pls pls
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
hi xfire
almost 6 years
hi xfire
almost 6 years
Viewing Lounge for SBVV3 is now open! Come and join to witness the latest entry of our series as it plays out. It's not too late to apply either - apps close 27th of May!
almost 6 years
hi xfire