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what IS harassment?

about 5 years

i think this is a very valid question, and i'm hoping we can discuss this here.

hypothetically, do you think the following should be considered harassment?

  • repeatedly calling someone a "horrible person" when asked to stop.
  • repeatedly making up lies about a person in an attempt to viofarm them (including lying about stuff they've said in the past, lying about them deleting posts, etc)
  • repeatedly making threads about them and posting month-old screenshots in an attempt to turn people against them
  • repeatedly accusing them of intentionally trying to "mess them up emotionally" for commenting in their threads
  • repeatedly calling them stupid
  • posting on someone's profile calling them stupid and psycho
  • threatening to post in the forums every single day about how stupid someone is
  • constantly trying to guilt trip someone by telling them that even seeing their name puts them in a bad place
  • accusing someone of trying to "mess them up to the point that they relapse" [self harm/suicide]
  • accusing someone of intentionally trying to make them have suicidal thoughts

after being noted for all of the above and told to stop antagonizing them, doing the following:

  • calling them a horrible person again
  • calling them classless scum
  • accusing them again of "searching them out" to intentionally try and trigger suicidal thoughts so they kill themselves
  • accusing them of "trying to make [them] hurt [themselves]"
  • saying that just seeing them "triggers them back into a dark place"
  • calling them pathetic
  • trying to emotionally manipulate the admins by saying that they might have to go to the hospital because of this and that the admins need to do something or they're leaving the site

there's more but i feel like this catches the important bits.

in an attempt at fairness, the person this hypothetical harassment was directed to has done the following in the same time period:

  • told them to get their head out of their a/ss
  • said they broke the TOS of epicmafia
  • made a joke about them breaking the ERB rule
  • called them stupid

when the hypothetical harasser in question accuses them of attempting to "seek them out" to "make them attempt suicide", this is what they are referring to.

what are your thoughts on this? and specifically, what are your thoughts on people using the threat of suicidal threats and hospital visits to try and make the admins act a certain way? is this something that should be allowed?

about 5 years
also reported for libel and IC get rekt scrub
about 5 years
good feedback - i think there are examples of harassment that don’t fall under either of those criteria but i do agree that that’s harassment
deletedabout 5 years
yeah blocking people doesn't work because people can continue to spread libel, this time YOU CANT EVEN SEE IT
deletedabout 5 years
If blocking and ignoring them isn't working I calls it harassesments
deletedabout 5 years
harassment should fall under one of two things:

1: belaboring a point like "you are mentally dumb" way longer than it needs to be stated, to the point of making extreme annoyance to the target or those around them.

2: saying false statements (libel) in order to ruin a person's reputation, those of which the person publicly declares is false. this could be grounds for either harassment or inappropriate/indecent content depending on the context. statements such as "ALLY SAID THE N WORD" would be libellous but still appropriate given the context. "ALLY TOUCHED A LITTLE BOY ON HIS PEEPEE" would be libellous as well as indecent content.
about 5 years
ur valid emily
about 5 years
to answer your question seriously:
harassment would be if i asked someone to stop talking to/about me after they were bothering me either in a sexual, derogatory, emotionally taxing way. i'm allowed to ask you to stop if you're draining me in some way and i don't owe you a justification beyond "you're making me feel x please leave me alone" if they continue to talk about me for no reason, that's bullying. if they continue to make attempts to talk to me, that's harassment.

also if i make it clear i don't want to talk to that person in the slightest, on epicmafia or off it and they message me? if it's not an apology but a statement to keep bothering me/continue the argument or whatever else, then that's harassment imo. thank u for coming to my ted talk!
about 5 years
trash island is a crazy place
about 5 years
you know i really wish i could blame someone else for wanting to die but it's just my own state of mind
about 5 years
Imagine someone trying to convince you and everyone you know that you're the reason you allegedly tried killing yourself and then screaming that you're the victim
about 5 years
xela: emily????????????????
about 5 years
yeah i know his password and have his credit card details it's fine dw
about 5 years
if u get the insurance money will u hack ur bf so i can have his username? this is all i request
about 5 years
if i get insurance money i'll split it with you. now be mean so i can screenshot and claim x
about 5 years
pls don’t die
about 5 years
thank you i really almost got run over the other day and i was VERY upset i wasn't because i have life insurance
about 5 years
yes i give u permission
about 5 years
if i attempt suicide can i say you made me do it so i can say someone tried to murder me to my insurance company i'm poor
about 5 years

petfish says

you are free to discuss your topic in a thread you create

credit to epicmafia user petfish for the idea to make this thread :)