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"Diamond Lobby"

about 5 years

Gold lobby (comp) currently requires 1500 points to join and yields 5 hearts a day.

To understand what that means in the greater context of this site, you need a friend to reach 4000 points to get 1 token from the referral system. Given that it takes 10 tokens to buy colors, that means having colors is ~= roughly equivalent to ~= 40,000 in game points. 10 tokens cost $0.83 (currently 360 tokens are sold for $30) so it confirms that 40,000 points is not seen as representing a significant degree of skill or experience. (Slightly over 48,000 points is deemed equivalent to $1 by this system)

What about a diamond lobby that is more exclusive and VIP than comp? Maybe users get 3 diamond hearts a day. The requirement to enter Diamond Lobby should be 50,000 points or maybe even 75,000 points, or some other absurdly high number relative to the 1500 requirement for gold.

This would reduce the number of alts playing. It would also encourage an even higher ceiling of play for the elite, hardcore loyalists of EpicMafia.

deletedabout 5 years
older users are not sitting around waiting and hoping for mafia to return to its glory days lmao
about 5 years

Citadell says

Before even giving my thoughts on that idea, I just need to mention that your numbers are off, because you seem to be forgetting that losses don't yield points. So with an average winrate of around 50% all your numbers need to be doubled.

Onto the actual idea, I have to say that there is absolutely no point in that. Firstly, over the split time-zones and playtimes, good luck filling a 9+ player setup with people who are at 60k+ points. Secondly, the point barrier is put there, so that people who are fresh off from unrankeds with 0 experience don't ruin your gameplay on a "serious" game mode that is competitive. While it doesn't execute that perfectly, after a certain number of points you no longer have any correlation between them and the player's skill. If you want any basic proof about it, you can take a look at the trophy winners for the past countless rounds and check how many of them are actually above 60k points. And lastly, which is the point Benny brought up, do you actually think that this community needs more tools for inner-division? All this will accomplish is reduce the games that get played and provoke an "elitist" behavior in certain individuals.

the reason people with 60k points dont use the site is because they have to constantly play with people who dont understand basic mechanics. this would probably increase the number of old users on the site.
about 5 years

Linke says

Me, a Diamond Player.

gonna have to downvote that one pal
about 5 years
Before even giving my thoughts on that idea, I just need to mention that your numbers are off, because you seem to be forgetting that losses don't yield points. So with an average winrate of around 50% all your numbers need to be doubled.

Onto the actual idea, I have to say that there is absolutely no point in that. Firstly, over the split time-zones and playtimes, good luck filling a 9+ player setup with people who are at 60k+ points. Secondly, the point barrier is put there, so that people who are fresh off from unrankeds with 0 experience don't ruin your gameplay on a "serious" game mode that is competitive. While it doesn't execute that perfectly, after a certain number of points you no longer have any correlation between them and the player's skill. If you want any basic proof about it, you can take a look at the trophy winners for the past countless rounds and check how many of them are actually above 60k points. And lastly, which is the point Benny brought up, do you actually think that this community needs more tools for inner-division? All this will accomplish is reduce the games that get played and provoke an "elitist" behavior in certain individuals.
deletedabout 5 years
about 5 years
why do people keep thinking terrible ideas like this will ever work
about 5 years
Finally, a worthy opponent!
about 5 years
Me, a Diamond Player.
about 5 years
sounds like its going to kill the already dwindling population
about 5 years
If the barrier to diamond lobby were 60,000 points, that would mean that 1000 games of ranked (red heart) mafia would be required to enter. At 10 red hearts a day, that means that a user will have needed to play 10 games of mafia a day for 3 months in order to gain entry -- compare this to the 25 games required to enter comp now, which can be managed in about 3 days of ranked play.