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Hosting Ghost Made Easy

almost 6 years

The game ghost is a fairly popular game without any rules laid out of the host, however, ghost isn't a new game that lucid just came up with over night. Ghost has etiquette and even though lucid didn't add enough features to the game, such as the ability to extend how long each hint round last or how long voting for the ghost should take, still offers enough infrastructure to host a ghost game.

To begin with, there are very few types of ghost games completely based off the ratio of the three different roles in the game. These types aren't written in stone, however, their effects as to what kind of hints should be used between fool and village, are. Here are some examples of the different types.

Vanilla: 3 villagers, 2 fools, and 2 ghost

Vanilla is special in that the ghost get to pretend to be the fools with the same words with each other, but, the strategy isn't strait forward, as there are three villagers meaning that even if the ghost manage to get all the fools killed, still leaves the villagers with an advantage. Because of the nature of this setup, village hints and fool hints can be completely different, meaning you can use the word "slime" for villager and "ghost" for fool. Even though the hints would be completely different, the teams would be easily established and so the ghost have to decide rather or not to convince village that a villager is a ghost, or pretend to be villagers themselves while avoiding fool hints.

Chocolate: 2 villagers, 3 fools, and 2 ghost

Keep in mind that I'm merely giving ratios and not solid numbers. You could have 1 villager, 2 fools, and 1 ghost and still have a similar setup, but, the dynamics behave different. The more fools there are than villagers, the closer the fool and villagers hint have to be in order to establish the ghost without making the ghost overpowered. The ghost will actually win almost one hundred percent of the time if the village hint and fool hint is too far apart because the villagers will get killed for sure while the ghost can act like the fools and never have to guess the villager word. Examples of hints for this type of game would be "cloak" and "smoke", as the villagers would have hints similar enough to the fools to balance the game more.

Strawberry: 1 villager, 4 fools, and 2 ghost

The entire idea of this setup is that the ghost have to absolutely avoid being lynched all together or else they'll never guess the word unless the villager is absolutely obvious with their hint. Because of this, this setup normally will have hints absolutely different, but, the villager will surely die. This forces the pressure on ghost and is a very village sided setup unless a fool is also a fool in real life, as is the case most of the time. Words here can also be extremely long. Examples are "eleven" and "octopus" for word differences that can be used.

Finally this brings us to the last subject.

Kicking Players

This is very simple and lucid made it so to weed out all the non-hackers. To begin with, if a player takes ten years to come up with a hint for a word, then that player is mentally deficient and probably has been severely beaten to studdering levels of communication that they aren't capable of playing the game like a normal human. To fix this problem, every player that leaves the game by getting kicked at a high rate in a certain period of time such as three times in a single day, can thus be banned from your games. The reason for this is lucid refuses to add a log to show who kicked, so to avoid players from kicking, the only thing you can do is kick players who get kicked a lot before the game ever begins. Generally this does assist to make the game a higher quality game and keeps brainlets out of a game that they shouldn't be playing anyway due to mental deficiency.

This concludes my guide to the game ghost on epicmafia. Enjoy.

almost 6 years
almost 6 years
Ghosts actually win the most if they blitz kick the town which is shameful for a strategy
almost 6 years
Shayne nails the issues with ghost really

a proportion of kicks needed to players would help the community that plays the game

and a 10 to 15 second countdown until the kick goes through so if someone is actually there they have a chance to respond
almost 6 years
some of us are trying to get player number sliders that work on mobile
almost 6 years
Some of us are trying to get the X's kick feature, that og mafia has, added to all the minigames. Will hopefully remove some of the headache. Would also be nice to have pinging added.