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about 5 years

i love lobstres

this is a topic i know lots about i am lobster whisperer. i am going to write down as many lobster facts that i know ok i love u hope u enjoy

oh and i can dedicate facts to u i will be adding more facts in the future

  1. lobsters are not naturally red - they r only red after they have been boiled to death in a pot (only a tiny percentage of lobsters in the ocean r naturally red)

  2. lobsters are naturally colours such as orange, yellow, green, blue, black, white, clear etc.... all the colours lobbies can be

  3. lobsters were originally food for some poor somewhere in america but now they r known for being what rich people eat

  4. lobsters shed their shells

  5. lobsters keep growing forever

  6. a female lobster can only mate after she has shed her shell

  7. (THIS FACT IS DEDICATED 2 THETURNINGRAY THANKU FOR BELIVING IN THE LOBSTERS) lobsters eat each other when they r super hungry so they r cannibals sometimes

  8. lobsters have 2 stomachs

  9. lobsters have teeth in their stomachs

  10. lobsters taste with their arms/legs

  11. lobsters eat inside their stomachs (which is why they got teeth in there u fool)

  12. lobsters can swim backwords n forwards

  13. lobsters live in the mud at the bottom of the ocean

  14. lobsters have no lungs

  15. lobsters have no vocal cords

  16. lobsters dont scream when they r in the pot boiling from chef because they have no vocal cords its only the trapped air moving out of their shells

  17. female lobsters ALWAYS make the first move ( weak male lobbies)

  18. this is not a fact but i like to call lobsters lobbies so now im going to switch between calling them lobbies and lobsters ok dont get confused lobbies = lobsters

  19. lobbies have chemosensory leg and feet hairs that identitfy food (they taste with their feet like i told u)

  20. lobbies cant process pain apparently (i dont believe this but apparently its true but i dont believe it ok)


  22. lobsters r not very friendly pets

  23. did u know lobbies brains r the size of a pea (stinky peabrains haha i love them)

  24. the oldest lobster recorded is named george and he is 140 years old!!! he was caught in 2008 in canada but ended up in new york city (what a worldly lad)

  25. there is another lobster he has no name i think i will name him myself but he is called the "Official Heaviest Marine Crustacean" which is his title yes but he has no name which is unfair but he weighs 44 lb 6 oz (20.14 kg) and was caught in 1977 - i found out he is not the biggest one ever recorded but he is the biggest 1 caught alive ok the actual biggest lobby died when it got transported like 50 years ago

  26. the heaviest and oldest lobster from the other 2 facts were found in canada ( canada is producing some badboy lobbies)

  27. lobsters have bad eyesight but highly developed sense of smell n taste

  28. lobster blood is clear

  29. lobsters drown in fresh water

  30. lobbies use their 3 pairs of antenna as sensors

  31. lobbies pee out their mouthes

  32. male lobsters love to fight (toxic masculintiy even in lobsters smh)

  33. lobsters pee into each others faces during a fight to express themselves

  34. female lobsters seek out the most angry n dominant male in the area and show their interest by peeing repeatedly into his shelter and the pee has pheremonoes in so then he gets horny and they do the lobster act

  35. lobbies turn red when cooked because heating breaks the bond between pigmentation and protein in the shell

  36. a lobsters eyes at the base of its antenna detect light n shadows but not colours or images

  37. lobsters have a thing between its eyes called a rostrum which isnt a lobster nose its there 2 protect the lobster eyes during fights

  38. lobsters have dominant claws.. so u can be left clawed or right clawed or maybe if lobsters r extra special u can be ambidextorous clawed ... question time: if u were a lobster which hand would u use to get me off?????///

  39. lobsters can do this thing called reflex amputation where if it needs to drop a limb to escape a predator it can

  40. lobsters cant speak but they can make a crackling nose by rubbing their legs together

  41. idk about lobster lads but lobster lasses have small legs under their tails called swimmerets which i think is cute ok

  42. lobbies feed on clams, crabs, starfish + other sea life

  43. lobsters have a total of 10 legs

  44. female lobsters fall head over SWIMMERETS for dominant male with a big claw because it shows they r strong or something

  45. an average size lobby has the strength of 100 pounds per square inch in its claw

  46. lobsters pee out of their faces because their kidney is in their forehead

  47. the pee can travel up 2 5ft

  48. lobsters dont have a central nervous system like mammals instead their nervous system is similar to an ants

  49. lobbies r invertebrates which means their shell is an exoskeleton protecting their body

  50. a couple of lobbies will walk along holding claws on some occasions - usually it is an old lobster leading a small lobster but i thought it was a cute fact to end on :^)

i will update more facts ok love u all

sign if u love lobbsters
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i love lobbies 2 we can be lobstre gang
what should we name the "Official Heaviest Marine Crustacean"
about 5 years
"would punch a child"
about 5 years
i found this meme hope u all enjoy
about 5 years
hi i love and appreciate these facts! save the lobstars they are so cute