if this many people dislike gnh i'm sure you could fill non-gnh games if you tried
We need to get Lucid to create a script that restricts the play of G&H on certain days.
only allow gun and hookers on the weekends. Ban JFK on the 32nd of each month.
ban guns and hookers on the weekends
only play jfk destroy all other setups
If the day of the year is divisible by 1 Masta should play better
This would allow the setups that myself or other people create to be ACTUALLY played... deal.
bUt GnH iS gOoD!!1!!!one!!!1
but are u talking day of the year out of 365 or out of the number of days in the month?
either way. yes
and if day of year is divisible by 3 then you cannot host JFK