Don't worry probablytown, MachiKyouko is known as an undesirable around these parts
we were just made aware of the situation
do NOT click that link; you'll catch stage 4 brain cancer and die
jesus can u stop acting like that? i see it was reported today,question is why would you wait 7 days to get him dq'd? Don't tell me you wanted him to get as close as possible to gold bc thats sadist af
because it wasnt reported until now??? oh my god dude
what kind of problem could i have with a weeb getting banned? ok game happened week ago & vio was given today,wut? By the way im not trying to be a jerk here,just demand a clarification on this weird report
why is this even being discussed here? if u have a problem pm a mod. like??? nothing is gonna change by complaining on forums
it was a week ago you freaking dunce. actually look before you type.
so you're telling me this guys cheated on the "last" day of round,especially in ranked game so that he wouldnt get his gold? ok
Imagine not taking 2 seconds to look at the report section
matt says STEVE 4 GOLD Maybe next time
instead of asking dumb questions why don’t you check the report section?
ok where is pastebin(proof) then?
probablytown says why did char ban steve? Because of cheating?? What other reason?
Shittydel got 4th place, his prize is he's now a mod lol gg this made me laugh irl
i’d delete it because of the gif
I feel belittled, maybe I should delete the thread with my "newly obtained powers". BAD muki :(
isp legend borynstone got a trophy? lol good one
Does anybody know how to add a hyperlink on profiles? Edit: Nvm figured it out
instead of focusing on polls, you can focus on the easter eggs :D aka I forgot but shhh
Best admin? Upvote for Muki Downvote for Denial
No poll No dog gif 0/10 thread