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LifeStyle Advice column

about 5 years

zoidberg inspired me to do something like this

comment bellow or in pms anything you want lifestyle related to be addressed and ill give you advice.

wether its about healthy eating, healthy relationships, getting over an ex , whats bad for you to eat how to start a healthy diet. ask away

about 5 years

cinnanie says

what's an uncommon and healthy food you would recommend for breakfast?

toast/english muffin + peanut butter + banana + cinnamon + granola
about 5 years
my wife isnt into c*ck and ball torture but its my biggest kink how do i convince her to try it at least once
about 5 years
How can I make people think I'm a real psychologist when I'm not?
about 5 years
how do i ask someone out and not break my own heart in the process?

how do i ask someone out and not break their heart or their reputation in the process?
about 5 years
hello advice columnist whats your advice for a new advice columnist
about 5 years
all of the above
about 5 years
about 5 years
my boyfriend thinks he's a dolphin. i don't know how to help him :-/ it's putting a strain on our relationship :-(... what should i do??
about 5 years
what's an uncommon and healthy food you would recommend for breakfast?