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Shoot cop guilties instead of cc

about 5 years

Basically, cop has a bad claim. Gets cced by Maf with Bus Guilty. If we shot the guilty, we would have found all the maf pretty much. Unfortunately our pr hard tred the guilty from a standard bad choice.

about 5 years

peach says

looks like a classic case of the omgus that cried wifom! ate in mylo is a no go. sad. this website is really devolving

could've been solved with a bus in ml into a fakeclaim in lylo chainsawed by the nilla for a reverse bandwagon
about 5 years
u made bad choices in games too breh. not a big deal to make a thread about it
about 5 years
looks like a classic case of the omgus that cried wifom! ate in mylo is a no go. sad. this website is really devolving