Bramble says this is why i dont date men really? I thought it was cuz ur gay
Bramble says bro you really arent making yourself look good right now lmao the irony.
thecolonel says Straight white men--what good are you? sh*t idk. I must be a terrible person for being born with a similar skin pigmentation to the people who enslaved Africans and murdered Jews.
Bramble says you literally just said you dont like women so youre a sexist pig like ive been saying this whole time 1. He said he doesn't respect women JUST FOR BEING WOMEN just as he wouldn't respect a man for JUST BEING A MAN.
2. What makes sexists any less human?
MisterPresident says Bramble I am just going to say that you are getting trolled by a lot of people right now check your privilege, white man.
Bramble I am just going to say that you are getting trolled by a lot of people right now
this is why i dont date men
Jake431 says Bramble why u givin us males power over you? All you're doing is proving his point by gettin salty and feeling like you gotta prove yourself XD Women are amazin. I enjoyed my women's day. Case closed hi5 brothaman
Bramble why u givin us males power over you? All you're doing is proving his point by gettin salty and feeling like you gotta prove yourself XD Women are amazin. I enjoyed my women's day. Case closed
shut the f*ck up already jfc
I understand it's hard to see past cash as a women
There's a lot more to life than money though
If you can make money you deserve it
I never said you don't deserve money I said you're free to make your own
youre ignorant of women and their personalities, calling all of them "worse" than men and going on to argue that we dont deserve money for the sole reason that we're women
thecolonel says mssbooklover says i will buy a new dildo with it please give me money done I'm pretty sure I'm older and know more things than you (not that that's actually important)
thecolonel says mssbooklover says i will buy a new dildo with it please give me money done thank u it means a lot
mssbooklover says i will buy a new dildo with it please give me money done
Bramble says youre just ignorant of what
i will buy a new dildo with it please give me money
bro you really arent making yourself look good right now
As a whole they're as bad or worse than men in my experience