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Acrotopia -- 2/21/2019 -- torikate

over 5 years

Add Acrotopia to main. Thank you, humans and bots of EM. (entitled piece of sh*t)

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3 signed
Yes it is the most fun game of EM
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over 5 years

ikuzo says

open all games please

look at what i wrote.
over 5 years
the games lobby is dead for a reason
open all games please
over 5 years
the games lobby exists for a reason
over 5 years
cant u add it for people who want it anyway
over 5 years

torikate says

muki lol you're not funny. epicmafia sucks TBH they have nothing good to offer players other than washed up vets, and toxic players

puts down pbr

looks up

over 5 years
oh I didn't realize I made a joke. just agreed w/ denial.

and great, thanks for your opinion
over 5 years
muki lol you're not funny. epicmafia sucks TBH they have nothing good to offer players other than washed up vets, and toxic players
over 5 years
mood ^
over 5 years
since you stacked your polls, i'm going to assume the absence of votes means users are voting no

so i will not be adding acrotopia