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HG Sim: Revenge of the Flipper

about 6 years

Hello, and welcome to another season of the Penguin Hunger Games!

Think you have what it takes? Sign up below.

Only the first twenty-four (23) participants will be taken!

Also, let me know if you prefer to be listed as Male, Female, or ?

It will take me a few days to post the images, so be patient please

Prize is a sticker. If multiple options are available, I will let you choose which one you would like to receive.

Prize: 1st place - sticker of your choosing, if no options are available on your profile, you may choose to forfeit the price to 2nd place, or give it to another player of your choosing on the site (doesn't have to be a participant)

Bet prize: a sticker of your choosing (this goes to the person who correctly chooses the winner of this HG in the comments below. If there is more than one person, their names will be entered in a RNG and winner will be selected that way. If winner is unable to receive sticker, may choose another player on the site)


  1. Shwartz99/Associate
  2. Mitra/slorp
  3. AlienOK/AlienK
  4. GodStephCurry/dooze
  5. Dooze/GodStephCurry
  6. dzke/Shwartz99
  7. Veerat/Pissproblems
  8. pajax55/aquarius
  9. rockgirlnikki/jacobkrin
  10. ahdem/mssbooklover
  11. PissProblems/baabaa
Did you sign-up for this with your own free will?
No. Shwartzaddy made me do it.
I volunteered.
about 6 years
about 6 years

**Announcer's Booth**
JimClassico: *quiggle*
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
**Announcer's Booth**

Platypops: Looks like that penguin waddled a little too far! Poor PissProblems! He must've really had to go!
JimClassico: *quiggle* *quiggle* *quiggle*
about 6 years
Wow that was the worst death
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
**Announcer's Booth**

JimClassico: *quiggle* *quiggle* *quiggle*
Platypops: We've seen some teaming up today! Look at that effort put on killing JohnMiller! He must've been quite the threat! Faretheewell, JohnMiller.
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years

**Announcer's Booth**

JimClassico: *quiggle* *quiggle* *quiggle* *quiggle* *quiggle*

Platypops: Press F to pay respects.
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years