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Puzzles, Riddles and other stuff

about 6 years

Hi, I have prepared a little game. I will give you 6 (number may change) different types of logic puzzles to solve, each worth a certain amount of points. You will have 10 days to solve them and send me the answers. I will then rank the teams and the one with the most points will be the winner. You can play in teams (max. 3 players on each team) or as a solo. You have till Firday 25th at 6pm EST to reserve (can do so here or in pms), which is when the game will start with me giving you the puzzles. I will make a discord server both for giving the puzzles,ulterior rules, answering questions and doubts and for finally giving the rankings when the game ends.If you don't want to be added to the server or don't want to make a discord account let me know and i'll link everything through epicmafia. I would like to have at least 5/6 teams but the game will happen with as many as we get (as long as it's more than 1).

I'll pm you the server before the start.

Please make this easier than your TAR clues.
1 signed
Sorry, it won't, be advised :p
about 6 years
I understand it may not be for everyone, but keep in mind not every puzzle will be extremely hard. There's gonna be the chance for everyone to have a bit of fun, from entery level to very hard :)
about 6 years
im to dumb for this :/