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notice to all who don't know

over 5 years

without any real basis or proof, someone on epicmafia has tried to force me into some kind of controversy almost every single year since i started playing

2013 - claims that user Guthix is a catfish. this started because this account never had its gender set for over a year, with me first setting it in September of 2013. a lot of users claimed that i "lead them to believe i was a girl" despite never doing anything even remotely close to this. this baseless accusation lead to a short-lived controversy that faded away into complete obscurity.

2014 - a belief that user Guthix had passed away irl, and the subsequent controversy around the fact that i had logged in and started playing for a short while when people really started to bring up certain things. this was actually based around a family member who's first name was the same as my middle name (we have different last names, though), and subsequent doxxing caused certain pieces of information to get out. of course that was all disproven by me proving who i am and explaining that i'm not the person who died. this baseless accusation lead to a short-lived controversy that faded away into complete obscurity.

2015 - there was actually no controversy this year. huge thanks once again to Kyanite, SnowyB, Gloria, oneoh, alicetama, ayyyyylmao, NekoMANRI, alexythegreat, CollegeGyrl, Lyre, DrSharky, Euphrasie, Golbolco, Shuckle, Ace, Cytomander, dia, moonlightseal, vaporweva, Jampire, DouradaGrelhada, and MissLynch for making this literally the best year for epicmafia ever.

2016 - general belief that user Alne is a transphobic racist. this is about the most "real" controversy i've been involved in solely because it holds some actual weight to it. i had decided to quit epicmafia in March of 2016 because of some problems that popped up irl, but i was addicted and didn't know how to break the addiction. i decided to give my account away to a friend who knows a lot about epicmafia asking if he could rack up enough vios to keep the account banned for a while so i don't get tempted to get on it. expecting him to gamethrow or grs a lot, he went into lobby chatboxes and posted racial/transphobic slurs that i knew nothing about until very late into 2017, when i decided to come back and had to deal with the repercussions that came with all of this. however, despite expecting the worst things actually went smoothly; i apologized in full and explained the situation, and actually became friends with quite a few people who had a lot of problems with me being a racist/transphobe. over time, i was able to heavily clear my name and make a lot of good friends out of it, once again causing this [not so baseless] accusation to lead to a short-lived controversy that faded away into complete obscurity.

2017 - a belief that user Xethora is using a fabricated claim of family death to seek attention. this goes together with the 2014 controversy in some ways. essentially one user learned by complete accident that a specific family member of mine had passed away, and i had attempted with my fullest power to clear the entire thing up. however, the user who had learned of the death didn't want to listen to me and instead opted to baselessly accuse me of being a liar and an attention seeker, constantly spreading slander and threatening reports against me afterwards. eventually the user realized that they had nothing actually against me; them learning of the information was by complete accident, and is information that i tried my hardest to keep secretive. the fact that i never told anybody else about the death goes heavily against the slander they attempted to spread against me being an attention seeker. that caused this baseless accusation to lead to a short-lived controversy that faded away into complete obscurity.

2018 - claims that user Xethora is a sexual predator. caused entirely by one user completely willingly giving me their snapchat and asking to trade selfies, which happened without any problems. i, then, acted flirtatious towards the user in a way a normal person would, calling them attractive, before jokingly asking them for nudes. at the time this was clear irony because i did it to a lot of users, many of them married or lesbian, and many others doing it to me as well. it was all good fun and something i did occasionally (once every few weeks or so) as a joke, the user found it funny and kept me in their snapchat contacts for 3 months without a hitch. however, one game the user and a completely unrelated user got into a huge argument, and i rolled cultist and attempted to diffuse the argument by culting them both. first i culted the main user, and then when attempting to cult the unrelated user, the user got really upset with me and started raging in the night meeting. the game ended after they vegged and instantly they began screaming that i was a sexual predator. suddenly they spammed lobby wall, deleted me on snapchat, and started lying about their age (19, college student, started claiming they're 16). of course, the fact that me and the user were friends beforehand means we had some mutual friends as well, and the fact of the matter was even their own friends who were also my friends were telling them that what they were doing was stupid, and it all blew over in about a week with maybe two users in total defending the other user throughout the entire thing. this baseless accusation lead to a short-lived controversy that faded away into complete obscurity.

and now, we're onto 2019, with no real reason to omit names because enough people know what's going on - claims that user PrinceAltoid is a pedophile. after getting into an argument on with HillaryClinton2020 (ladynuts now or whatever) about sexuality and adoption, the user claims that i'm complete garbage as a person because i (much like 80% of the world) am turned off by the idea of adoption because i want to raise life that's related to me. also because i made a joke about being a trump voter. not really caring about what the user thinks about me, i finished watching Monty Python's Life of Brian with them as well as another user, before we both went our own ways and things seemed to be pretty neutral between us beyond that. until today, when i kicked user groshu from a game for feeling the need to spam the fact that he's a pedophile. this sparked a little bit of a discussion, many people asking why someone would embrace pedophilia. i explained that he was using pedophilia as a meme to try to divert people from the fact that he probably is an actual pedophile. i attempted to prove this by posting a link to a screenshot user rigby linked to in a report reporting groshu for inappropriate content, the context of said screenshot being groshu saying some disgusting things that were blatantly 100% pedophilic in nature. this sparked a discussion of users actually wanting groshu banned from the lobby, with me explaining that "a thanos snap would be needed to get every pedophile off of epicmafia" and how ineffective it is to go after specific users one-by-one because there's nothing stopping actual mentally-defected pedophilic criminals from just simply making a new account after being banned. for whatever reason, despite me being the one to bring up proof of groshu being a pedophile and kind of sparking the entire discussion in the first place, this has caused user HillaryClinton2020 (ladynuts) to accuse me of being a pedophile.

points worth making:

  1. most of the pedophile accusation comes from user rigby claiming to HillaryClinton2020 that i post loli content on discord. to date i have only ever shared one single server with user rigby, that server not only being one where i have never posted ANY form of loli in, but also one where i outright condemn it as a whole. yes, me and my friends share hentai amongst each other from time to time, but i have actually come down on my friends for posting loli. even though it is animated and something some people are actually into, i just personally don't like seeing it myself. aside from that, this accusation made by rigby is 100% baseless and HillaryClinton2020 clinging to it is nothing more than trying to find a scapegoat to strengthen a false accusation.

  2. the original argument between me and HillaryClinton2020 on began out of nowhere as a joke towards the movie that was being played. with the other user we were watching the movie with as my witness (i won't disclose who they were), i had tried very early on to explain that my views on adoption were mostly due to me being very narrow-minded and fickle and had no real logic behind them outside of natural human selfishness; in other words, i'm a human, i have flaws. shocker, right? either way, i wasn't at all trying to insinuate an argument there, and the fact that most of the hate towards me is around this single thing really confuses me.

  3. my discord is PrinceAltoid#3240 if anyone wants to see my server with their own eyes. all users have access to view the audit log and can see with their own eyes proof that i don't post loli and proof that i never deleted any messages to try to cover up anything.

  4. i just wanted to mention that both users HillaryClinton2020 and rigby were users that i never knew prior to returning to epicmafia back in late october, after about a 5-month break. i use this site to try to avoid the chaos in my real life and just chill out and have some fun, you know... play mafia and chat with people, make friends, the good stuff. i never at all came at either of these users with any kind of hostility; HillaryClinton2020 was a user i would occasionally interact with and never had much of an opinion on before all of this, while on the other hand rigby was a user i genuinely tried to befriend due to mutual interests and the fact that they just legitimately seemed like a great person (i still think they are but i'm sure they don't think the same of me, l0l). the whole "let's make PrinceAltoid look like a pedophile" thing confuses the absolute hell out of me, like i honestly don't know what to think of this because it makes no sense to me. if i actually did do something wrong to you (rigby), i have no idea what it was and would at least appreciate a chance to properly apologize.

so let's sum up what's been learned here in this long wall of text:

A - what's being done now is nothing new, i'm used to controversy and i've learned how to handle it.

B - i'm a flawed human being, just like every other user on this site, and on the entire planet.

C - it doesn't matter how friendly, accepting, and relaxed you try to be with people. people are still gonna hate you just for who you are.

and lastly, D - history that is not understood will repeat itself, which is why this entire debacle is bound to be a baseless accusation that will lead to a short-lived controversy sure to face away into complete obscurity.

final thoughts: there are actually people out there willing to spread hate and baseless accusations against people just because they disagree with them. an overweight 21 year old living with his mom, with a clean criminal record, a worthless college degree, and not a lot to show off, who's been working in one field for the past 3.5 years, with an unhealthy obsession with pokemon and smash bros, simply trying to find his place in the world and using an internet mafia website to help pass the time, relax, and make some friends. i hate internet political discussion because 99% of them simply divide people without making any actual progress towards anything, which is why i say "not everything has to be political." why can't we all just kick back and enjoy playing some mafia? i get that drama is a thing that needs to happen sometimes, but all this political crap is insane.

so let me be clear: you're free to hate me all you want, you can do WHATEVER it is you find necessary. but let me tell you, whether or not you want to call me a reactionary , liberal, or anything else, just remember that me and you are on the same side for most of the actual important stuff:

i heavily support LGBT and their rights in the world. in addition to being LGBT myself, being a Chicago/Northern Illinois native for the first 19 years of my life means i'm no stranger to pride walks and rallies. i've attended 4 so far in my life, which isn't a huge number by any means but i've still tried my hardest. i also try my hardest to be as supportive as i possibly can to any LGBT individual i meet, whether or not we're friends.

i heavily support treatment and sympathy for mental illness. having 4 serious mental disorders myself, and coming from a family riddled with them, this one's a given.

despite being turned off from the idea of adoption myself, i heavily support orphans and foster homes. what i said on was not a lie; i did in fact donate 10% of each and every one of my paychecks from my last job to charity. this was a job that lasted about a year and a half; a total of 74 weeks and 37 paychecks' worth of non-tax-deductible contributions. i told you the amount on, you can do the math if you want to. if you wanna come down on me for what charities i donated to, feel free; i don't have a full list in front of me (it was a checkbox option on my digital direct deposit form with options similar to how you pick a charity when buying a humble bundle), but my biggest go-tos were Make a Wish, Miracle, and RMHC.

and that's all. people asked the discussion to be taken somewhere else, this is where it will be taken unless anyone else has a better suggestion. let's just have a conversation, how's that sound?

favorite legendary pokemon trio?
Creation (Dialga, Palkia, Giratina)
Birds (Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres)
Weather (Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza)
Beasts (Raikou, Entei, Suicune)
Titans (Regice, Registeel, Regirock)
Aura (Xerneas, Yveltel, Zygarde)
Tao (Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem)
Forces of Nature (Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus)
Swords of Justice (Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion)
Light (Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma)
over 5 years
This is getting a bit out of hand, please keep the discussion on discord and not on the forums or lobby wall.

Alyssa11 days ago
We have updated the inappropriate content rule to include conversations that are indecent in nature, so the rule can be used properly when regarding conversations around pedophilia. This is not a platform to discuss it, take it elsewhere.
over 5 years
why are weebs like this
over 5 years
can shwartz pull the trigger already and lock this thread
over 5 years
did some really unsettling disgusting research by reverse google searching the image - it's by an artist who draws p/orn of other pokemon characters who DO have canon ages, and are underage. and while this isnt solid proof that mallow is underage in the image, it can be used to deduce that mallow is on the younger age of the spectrum in the image
over 5 years

dooze says

What pokemon games are you playing

i should keep playing through diamond but im too lazy

im getting back into competitive usum
over 5 years

TheseBlessedLadyNuts says

honestly you don't even need to do anything particularly awful at this point because you've demonstrated enough about your character that, even if all current allegations proved false, me and the gucci gang would still want nothing to do with you

wow, what ever am i to do without your validation? my life is ruined!
over 5 years

in case you guys need some more straws to grasp at, you're probably running low right about now
over 5 years
honestly you don't even need to do anything particularly awful at this point because you've demonstrated enough about your character that, even if all current allegations proved false, me and the gucci gang would still want nothing to do with you
over 5 years
shes clearly a teenager dude youre not fooling anyone
over 5 years
fanart of a "child" that has no canon age and is depicted in said fanart to be older.
over 5 years
how is a child with semen on them not blatant sexualization of a minor and why do you think theres an existing context in which csa is funny regardless
over 5 years
yeah the image that's not at all pedophilic and was posted in response to a well-known meme inside the pokemon fandom was posted by me in my own server full of my friends after rigby left. i guess that makes me a pedophile though, better go turn myself in.
over 5 years
okay, so what you're telling me is that you posted the image that he claimed that you posted, except he left the server before you posted it
thanks for being a pedophile! pee your pants.
over 5 years
FYI to everyone: the image rigby is referencing was posted after he left my server. in other news, the thing rigby claims to have been upset enough over to peg me as a pedophile was posted when he WASN'T EVEN IN THE SERVER

rigby never even saw the slightly nsfw not at all pedophilic image that's being used to peg me as a pedophile until AFTER HE ACCUSED ME OF POSTING LOLI AND BEING A PEDOPHILE. remember what you're fighting for, HillaryClinton2020.

again, if anyone wants to see the proof for themselves, my discord is PrinceAltoid#3240
over 5 years

rigby says


you're allowed to be upset, i'm not telling you not to be. the problem is you instead decided to ignore it and not once tell me that you had a problem with anything i did, and instead just flat out try to peg me as a pedophile over the entire situation. like i said, if you don't see how f*cked that is then that's not my problem.
over 5 years

rigby says

i agree that its softcore but its still...sexualizing a
also i did look through the audit log and didnt see you delete anything by yourself so i figured you were pretty clean in that regard

"sexualizing a minor" except it's meant as a joke due to something they said within the game purely as a response to it. and the weird thing is you clearly acknowledge that their canon age isn't given and is said to be anywhere from 11-19, so why not acknowledge that the picture i posted is clearly fanart depicting her at an older age?

really the ace up your sleeve here is you trying to peg me as a pedophile over a single image that's no different than a minor in an anime licking a popsicle in a slightly sexual way. it's almost laughable.
over 5 years
here's the conversation that we just had

for reference, the image he linked in the server was a picture of mallow with on her face and chest. once again, even as a meme, that is sexualizing a minor

im too lazy to really write a big paragraph about how this is wrong but if you read the screenshots you'll see the deal tbh

this probably seems really petty to everyone so once again im sorry for dragging this out.

im not asking for prince to be banned or anything, or for everyone to kick him from games, in fact i never really wanted any of this drama to start but it did.

tldr he posted an image of a sexualized anime character as a "joke" with his """"friends""" and refuses to apologize for it, instead telling me that i should apologize for being upset about this
over 5 years
i agree that its softcore but its still...sexualizing a
also i did look through the audit log and didnt see you delete anything by yourself so i figured you were pretty clean in that regard
over 5 years

rigby says

update on the situation: i was invited back to the server and couldnt find what i had remembered, although prince stated this in his message to me

he had posted nsfw art of mallow from pokemon, who has no canon age but on the wiki it states that she is somewhere between 11-19, which is a large age range with a lot of potential for her being underage. im pretty sure that this is what i remembered, and even if its "just for a meme" its still pretty f*cked up

sorry for dragging this on longer i just wanted to update everyone

unless you wanna dig through the audit log and find where i deleted a message, then you're misremembering things. i don't even have any nsfw pictures of mallow on my phone save for the meme one which is softcore at worst
over 5 years

dooze says

What pokemon games are you playing

i've been trying to put work into sun/moon but it honestly feels like there's nothing to do beyond necrozma + i don't wanna buy ultra considering it's the same thing with more main game content and not much more postgame content. feels like the opposite of how they should've done it considering base sun/moon already had a fantastic main game as it was. zeraora tempted me though tbh

also really wish tapus weren't shiny locked big sigh

also i actually play a lot of go ngl *hides*
over 5 years
update on the situation: i was invited back to the server and couldnt find what i had remembered, although prince stated this in his message to me

he had posted nsfw art of mallow from pokemon, who has no canon age but on the wiki it states that she is somewhere between 11-19, which is a large age range with a lot of potential for her being underage. im pretty sure that this is what i remembered, and even if its "just for a meme" its still pretty f*cked up

sorry for dragging this on longer i just wanted to update everyone
I wish they would add the Battle Frontier from Emerald into a newer generation game
over 5 years

dooze says

What pokemon games are you playing

over 5 years
What pokemon games are you playing
over 5 years
also he has gross views on abortion and is a reactionary troll