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Mods allowing homophobic abuse

over 5 years

Over the past few weeks I have been targeted by a group of people who have repeatedly aimed comments at me saying "you are gay" and such. These types of comments, especially when the victim has REPEATEDLY asked for them to stop, should be taken seriously.

These Mods are literally incapable.

deletedover 5 years


gen-Z begins in 1995 ur ignorant sir

those are the Millennials/New Culture my dude. It can also be known as Gen Y.
over 5 years
go pause lungs
over 5 years
over 5 years
gen-Z begins in 1995 ur ignorant sir
deletedover 5 years

Gulag says

SteelixMega says

those weren't the heteros, they were the virgins and Gen-Zs

I am not Gen-Z because I was born BEFORE 2004
over 5 years
heterosexuals are underappreciated in this forum <3 love u all
deletedover 5 years

SteelixMega says

those weren't the heteros, they were the virgins and Gen-Zs

over 5 years
those were DEFINITELY the heterosexuals
over 5 years

slorp says

heterosexuals will never be normal. do u remember when yall were eating tide pods

those weren't the heteros, they were the virgins and Gen-Zs
over 5 years
is this trolling or homophobia i cant tell
deletedover 5 years
u guys are a bunch of modophobic homorators
over 5 years
heterosexuals will never be normal. do u remember when yall were eating tide pods
over 5 years
You're all fùcking nuts jesus christ
over 5 years
What's up party people
deletedover 5 years
Imagine not knowing how babies are made.
over 5 years
nasty a'ss homophobe
over 5 years
atleast i was born normal
over 5 years
ok my last comment was 2 serious but i just want u to know instead ur mum snorted cocaine which is how u were born u ugly braindead muffmuncher
over 5 years
without hets u homos wouldnt be born so u should kiss my feet
over 5 years
heterophobia doesnt exist because all heterosexuals are scum and deserve to be lynched because of their horrible disgusting dating choices
over 5 years
heterophobia is a disease get well soon
over 5 years
hello thanku moderators now i have all the evidence to report u for being homophobic
over 5 years
here to bully the homos
over 5 years
slarp nuiiu
over 5 years
i am here to harass all heterosexuals please stand up for a quick bullying sesh