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ladynut opinions

over 5 years

post here if u want an opinion from somebody in possession of BIOLOGICALLY FEMALE testicles aka.. .. ladynuts. thank u and be bless unless ur someone i don t like in which case a POX on thee. and on everyone who shares ur worldviews because lets be honest the only people i dislike are usually just not leftist enough

over 5 years
over 5 years
Why are you a cupcake
over 5 years
over 5 years

TheseBlessedLadyNuts says

ReadyForBready says

Well met!

you're honestly kind of weird and you keep downvoting my posts so :thonk:
i don't really know what to make of you


but thank you for your honesty despite this not being anonymous <3
over 5 years
over 5 years
tell me how much u love my shitposts
over 5 years
tell me my worst traits
over 5 years

rctnk99 says


i don't really interact with you much but u seem cool and u should join my rabb.its more often

ReadyForBready says

Well met!

you're honestly kind of weird and you keep downvoting my posts so :thonk:
i don't really know what to make of you
over 5 years
Well met!
over 5 years
over 5 years

mutie says


ur very cool and friends with a lot of my friends so ur good in my book
also uhhhhhh ur avatar is cute
i hope u delivered that demon baby ok
over 5 years
over 5 years

Negra says

I love me some ladynuts

gross please leave
over 5 years

SkylerIsGod says

Judge me

i don't really have much of an opinion of you. i think you're okay???? idk you're fun to be around but i don't know you that well. also i may or may not be confusing what i remember of you with that 'SkylerisGay' account which i'm assuming is not you

baabaa says


baabaa is PRECIOUS and fluffy, like a sheep. idk ur a nice user but u dont talk that much. talk more. be more annoying like ME, athena.

rigby says

i wuv yew

I WUW U TOO RIGBY. ur precious and VERY valid. very very valid. we are just overflowing with validity and acceptance of rigby here. there is just SO much validity.
anyway ur really cool and should watch adventure time with me uwu

nepenthe says

give me onion

onions are a very good vegetable and if ur not eating fried onions with every meal... then u must be stuck on some dumb RAW FOOD diet like me. literally the best vegetable. there are no contenders for the mighty onion. it's just too good . . .

also ur pretty cool and nice although i don't think we interact directly as much as some other people so my feelings on you are a bit vague
over 5 years
I love me some ladynuts
over 5 years
give me onion
over 5 years
i wuv yew
over 5 years
over 5 years
Judge me