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Resolutions Game

over 5 years

In honor of 2019 let's try a new years resolutions game. You post a resolution and the next user posts how or why you will fail it, then post their own resolution

Person A: My resolution is to lose weight

Person B: But being on epicmafia all day long, you find this impossible!

(person B posts their resolution)

Get creative with it I guess

If you can sign this
7 signed
you are not a true sandbox user
over 5 years
But due to his credit score being low due to always using his loans to buy antic fake noses, the banks never give you another loan.

Become the Enlightened Dictator of South Sudan.
over 5 years
good luck finding someone who's into that stuff

I want to buy a house this year
over 5 years
chuck e cheese gay :/

my new years resolution is to poop on a peen...
over 5 years
but yo cogo pan

my resolution is to get chuck e cheese to admit his feelings for me. he has them i know he has them he just wont say anything about it
over 5 years
But being on epicmafia all day long, you find this impossible!

My resolution is to learn portuguese.
over 5 years
For the new year I plan to put off weight