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We made it to day 101

over 5 years This is the video, some context is needed

So some people suicided pretty early cause they dummies, and I decided to start recording 20 days in. We were going for day 100 because we didn't care. We think negatively of PennyHartz cause she kept banishing people. Slorp and hoIIy are slowly losing their minds. That's pretty much it.

Here's the raw game if you prefer that:

Is this record breaking?
ur ugly
i've seen better
over 5 years
Impressive work, gg guys
over 5 years
god i wish i could only exist for 100 days
over 5 years
i wish i hadnt sui'd so i could have been part of history :pensive:
over 5 years
welcum 2 hell
over 5 years
Day 100 is possible if you have a role to resurrect dead players