over 5 years

We are in a constant state of change, like Heraclitus implied that the universe is held in by Logos , the logic by which an argument stands with, however I do not believe that Logos was meant to be interpreted like this. As it is said that is not possible to touch the same river twice because, like us, the river is in a constant state of change and of motion. But like the river, what changes of a person? Here is my interpretation of what Logos means:

As you twiddle your fingers in a pond or the ocean, bacteria, oils, and the sort flow off and on to your fingers like leeches—spreading around chaotically—the desire state of these is chaotic, high entropy is favourable. The world desires itself on chaos, to spread itself thin, to be disorderly, and to be mixed in with another. In the spectacle of society, a different mural is painted, the perfect human, the cleanest room, the cleanest hamburger, all artificial and unable to be achieved. We are not able to be perfect or in the sense that we perceive as ‘perfect’ since we are chaotic. How else does this change affect us as humans? I believe that experiences, every single one—even if you do forget some~—shape us, I find that no one can deny that as we all have lived with experiences, but solemnly can they say that they have lived with others’ experiences. A world where everyone can feel, sense, and relive others’ experiences, is scary and does not seem possible, but I will try to make a point about it later, or maybe never.

As it comes to the point of experiences, I will have a thought experiment:

There are three friends, I will give them the names A, B, and C. A has been friends with B her entire life and as such they’ve talked and experienced much with each other. C has not been friends with B much of her life, she is a newbie to this friendship, but has gone through many, unlike A. There comes a time where A and C, for whatever reason it may be, can no longer stand each other, and B must make a choice between A and C, between the old friend and the new one. Intuitively picking A would be the correct answer since C could be evil and treacherous, and so B chooses A. C may very well not have been like this evil and scary girl, but as C has experienced this in the past moves on to the next, always starting out as a newbie since everyone always has friends unless they are like C, but no one wants to be friends with a loner. Who experienced, from most to least, grief in this example?

In order, who suffered the most?
over 5 years
Lilin, if you’re friend C, you also abandoned friends D, E, and F. So you’re really no better than B.
over 5 years
It depends on the people. Does A actually care about the situation they have created for B? Do they feel wrong/right to act towards C in such a manner? Is C aware of the situation C creates by seeking out AB relationships or are they trying to find other Cs? Would Cs recognise each other as Cs? Is it possible that there are more types of people involved indirectly or directly? Why does C feel like a loner? Is it fair that C puts this burden on an AB relationship because they would otherwise just be another C? In short there are too many people and life has gone on for too long that society is a convoluted ness of blame, burden and responsibilty that the only optimal step forward is to scramble the whole thing until every one feels satisfied, regardless of their values as this too will sort itself out with time, and the only thing any one can do is allow others to succumb to their own fates while awaiting for their own. ie C can kill both AB in the same manner one would put down a sick dog and vice versa.
over 5 years
over 5 years
thank god finally
over 5 years
My thoughts exist chaotically and without reason, so this may not entirely make sense, but I am secluding myself from Epic Mafia and all social-related things to work on myself and my works.


Thank you Scientific for the tokens, I won’t put them to bad use.