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relocate straights

over 5 years

it's come to my attention that there's a lot of homophobia on sandbox and we've been trying for years to reconcile the differences between the gays and the straights. but what if we've been going about it all wrong? my suggestion is to ban all heterosexuals and heterosexual-identified people from sandbox and relocate them to a new hetero safe space lobby, which we shall call "main" so that straight people can continue to feel self-important and look down on us, while we gays will be safe in our sandbox.

thank you for your time shwarts

relocate straights
8 signed
goodbye straight people, i love you but i can't live with you :(
over 5 years
over 5 years
cishets are inferior to normal people
over 5 years
This is so sad why cant we all just coexist :'(
over 5 years
arent all em players gays
deletedover 5 years
wait are you saying that sandbox is gay

you're not wrong btw just asking
over 5 years
This is hateful -- disgusting.
over 5 years
All this phobia talk has me clawing my skin off. I'm dieing here! I'm stuck in the corner of a bottom of a well because I don't want to hear about -phobia this, -phobia that. All these -phobias... It's too much for me!
over 5 years

HillaryClinton2020 says

quasimodo loves pee and poop!

over 5 years
he said *straightophobia actuaklly
over 5 years
deletedover 5 years
No straightophobia plz.
over 5 years
blood4bloodgod is in the wrong lobby
over 5 years
blood4 why do you never play games anymore?
over 5 years
uhhh pretty sure all the attention seeking women and beta male orbiting gays are already in main lol. you're in the wrong lobby my dude.
over 5 years
quasimodo loves pee and poop!