Since we are on the topic of rule changes and how certain rules should be harsher how about instead revamping some rules to be less harsh.
In the past certain people (I would not mention their names here but we all know them from the amount of trophies they have) would just say they don't want someone to play with them (because they cant read them, because they felt like it etc etc etc.)and the coresponding moderator who is their friend would warn that player then ban them.
I think some rules like the lobby camping rules should be changed to be more user friendly.
I am open to suggestions :)
Here is my suggestion:
Lobby camping to be considered only if the player is purposely disrupting the game he is in with a certain player. If the player is openly harassing the other player during the game and distracting them from gameplay.
Any other reason besides that to be ignored and only the Admin to have the final word :)
Funny thing is, Ive just returned to EM after a few years of not playing.
I played a few games, then decided to try my luck in the Red Hearts. I was in a game with Geordie, I made a mistake and got absolutely harrassed by her for it. Sworn at and belittled.. I apologised a few times but I guess that fell on deaf ears.
Yeah i'm technically a "bad" player, but im doing my best to learn. Yeah, maybe I should avoid Red Hearts, but generally when im available to play, its all there is to play.
Ive apologised to people before hand about my learning mistakes and ive had some wonderful people try to teach me, so IM thankful for that. Otherwise I feel this place is incredibly toxic - and not welcoming for new players..
Look, you're rabbiting on about how stuff needs to be changed and I'm telling you it has been changed, and your only answer is to repeat some stuff that happened ages ago.
"Playing badly or playing in a way that is not agreed upon by the host or a player who joins prior should be reason enough to force a player to leave. "
ok so this is epicmafia, where there are different people who play differently.
that is not acceptable to not want someone because they play differently. it usually never IS that.
the issue is usually someone joins, calls you certain things, annoys you, grudge lynches you (in a proveable way), etc. in a game or two and you just don't want that person to play with you.
even then, i usually don't care. it takes a while for me to want to report someone. i've had two lobby camp notes, and one of them got quite big, due to popular agreement.
Nah, we don't want to kill comp by banning people from playing with each other unless it's severe. If two people can't play together in comp, it can really limit the ability to participate in the competition at all.
Imo red hearts, yeah, people should leave if they're persistent trolls or harassers.
If they're just bad players, dodge them or deal with it.
Why would I trust you when I was part of every lobby camping violation discussion since February, and know that it wasn't being applied?
@Geordie, I'm only talking about gold heart games. Generally we suggested red heart people just start a new table, but gold hearts had trouble filling so we wouldn't use a lobby camping vio unless every other option had been exhausted.
However lobby camping vio/warning itself should not be given for reasoning such as:
This type of vio should only be given in instances of continued harrassment / trolling / throwing against of a targetted user. Playing badly or playing in a way that is not agreed upon by the host or a player who joins prior should be reason enough to force a player to leave.
Of course if you know there's a player who specifically dislikes you, and they're TRYING to avoid you, then it's common courtesy to avoid them as well (Granted it's kind of difficult, especially in comp when there's only 1-2 games at a time.)
Honestly though, if I'm hosting a game and I tell someone who joins to leave, they should leave. I've had to endure so many bad players over time and it's becoming really frustrating.
And raise the amount of unranked games played before being able to play ranked as well please. Preferably to 50 so we don't have to deal with dumbasses in so many ranked games.
Lobby camping was changed back in July or August, and before that Nathan wouldn't let us give it to people because it was too easy for people to abuse like you say.
That was the rule since I came on in February.
One person got lobby camping vios in that time, so unless the new mod team has been going hard on lobby camping vios, which they haven't, you're lying.
If it happened it happened. I have been plenty reported and i think once i got a vio only because the player said they don't want to play with me or i will ruin their run.
it is a constant on the site. No matter what you say i have seen it first hand.
If hatefull comment is changing just now, then obviously all other rules are still the same and most likely abused.
You are one of the people who do this and abuse those rules.
Please, when i was here earlyer this year there were at least 20 cases.
Name 2.
At the moment, mods can only give a lobby camping vio if it's got proven instances of antagonising behaviour, e.g. trolling or harassment vios against the person requesting the ban. They only do that with the approval of the admin.
If we are to change the rules, lets just do it with all of them rather than focus on one and ignoring everything else so people to not try to complain about them too.