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Forum Mafia I - Tarot Mafia

deletedover 5 years

Rules -

Setup Notes:

  • 72 hour days, 24 hour nights.

  • This setup is role madness; everyone will be a power role.

  • This game will be for 13 players; 10 will be town and 3 will be mafia.

  • I will be using Natural Action Resolution.

  • Day start duh

Any other questions please comment below.... Or if you are interested

I fugged up and forgot to add game mode

Spadez0 has replaced carmen give her a warm welcome

Arachnid replaced elfen, welcome arachnid :)

Lets give Pinks (replacing Htennis) a warm welcome



Page 19 - Day 1 Ends - No one was lynched

Page 19 - Day 2 Begins - No one has been killed

Page 71 - Day 2 Ends - Happeh was Lynched

Page 71 - Day 3 Begins - TownOfSalemRox has been killed

Page 79 - Day 3 Ends - Denial was Lynched

Page 79 - Day 4 Begins - IChaotic was killed

Page 98 - Day 4 Ends - No one was lynched

Page 98 - Day 5 Begins - Ghost13 was killed

Page 99 - Day 5 Ends - Arrogate was Lynched

Page 99 - Day 6 Begins - Lesbian Pirate was Killed

Page 107 - Day 6 ends - No one was lynched

Page 107 - Day 5 begins - Arachnid has fallen

Page 11 - Town Loses - they were in autoloss and knew they were in autoloss

over 5 years

Pinks says

arachnid says

I heavily softed my inno report on Pinks saying several times that they were my only tr when Happeh dying confirmed my reports womp.

You never claimed cop though so why would we assume you softed? goodfrog roleblocked me at night. which he might not have done had you outed the inno on me.

why would i out as cop with only an inno report on you and no doc role left hello? i was close to getting one more report that could’ve put town into auto but i died which i didn’t claim to try to prevent from happening. shady just as easily could’ve revealed he was crier too. i would’ve instavoted spadez if it weren’t for you, my only inno, defending her to the death. don’t come for me just because you lost us the game due to cheating.
deletedover 5 years
spadez told me she was town and i wasnt even in the game what a jerk
deletedover 5 years
"talking to people outside the game" is ogi yeah but it's not blatant rolesharing like you did lol
over 5 years
Anyway, not surprised all the sh*ttalkers aren't in-game players.
over 5 years

Jeff says

chose to instead blame the Host rather than accept the fact that you were the only one who went out and messaged people unfairly. No one else felt obligated to cheat because they disliked the host, only you.

What are you even talking about? It is a fact none of this would've happened if Dylan did any close to a decent job hosting this game. Once again, I believed game was over because he did not out the dead's alignment for over 3 whole days. Also most of us had stopped caring about this game at this point so stop talking about sh*t you know nothing about. This game has been f*cked for most of its duration.

This is why I shouldn't be honest. Just shouldn't have outed it because idiots like you can't comprehend a basic set of circumstances, or that a cheater wouldn't out themselves if they had any intention to cheat.
over 5 years
Holy sh*t of course Jeff is here to bring his useless two cents. I'm not gonna out who but other people have also talked about this game outside of the game (not with me). This game was such a show before any of this happened stop trying to blame it all on me.
over 5 years
You dumb though Spadez lol
over 5 years
She was the one with a read from OGI. I blame her alone.
over 5 years

matt says

You definitely weren't allowed to communicate outside the game in resistance, you definitely shouldn't have been here. Dunno Why you felt otherwise.

I mean, after the first few days of joining, my mind has been pretty scatterbrained if you couldn't tell by the things I've said in forum. So it didn't really hit me it'd be OGI, which sounds like a load of bs I know.

Thing is, if I was town I would've shut down Pinks and told her to not talk about the forum. Now you might wonder WHY I didn't do that. Because... I'm an egg??? who didn't??? realise??? that claiming an alignment in??? a possible endgame circumstance outside??? would make someone have a solid read on me??? even if it's a lie?????????

So I guess my lack-of-but-wanting-to-be-there commitment was at fault. When I first applied to be a sub, I had quite a lot of time. Even when I got accepted, I had time but a few days after being accepted I got swamped by a lot of lifey things.

I should've asked to be subbed out but at that point in time many people fos'ed me because of Carmen and I didn't want to leave just to overwhelm someone else with 80 pages of reading and an impending execution.

I shouldn't have egged Pinks on which caused us to win unfairly so I apologise to the fellow players and Dylan.

Yes I know a simple sorry won't change much so I think that for the good of both of us, me and Pinks shouldn't play on em in main together; not in the imminent future at least.

Recently, she's only getting in trouble from association acts with me so if we just stay away, she won't have someone she knows involved in the things she plays in.

It sucks but it's a consequence and a compromise since I know I was at fault too even if my team benefited from this situation. Hence why I hope all of the people involved don't blame Pinks alone for this incident.
over 5 years
You sound like the type of person who would accidentally run someone over and drive away because it was an accident and it’d be unfair for you to be punished because you didn’t MEAN to kill them. It’s a huge jump but it’s based off the same principle. You won’t fess up or be accountable because poor old you didn’t mean to, but what about the others affected by your choice to hide something? The entire town put in hours and hours of effort and they could never win because you’re out here with a TR on Mafia they wanted lynched due to Outside of Game Influences. You wasted so many peoples time because YOU didn’t want to hold yourself accountable or play with integrity. Every town in this game ought to kick your aśs for wasting their time like this, cheater.
over 5 years
The fact that you had to hide the reason you had a TR on someone in the game is proof enough that you knew you had cheated, intentions aside. The game was compromised and you chose to stay quiet rather than speak up, then chose to instead blame the Host rather than accept the fact that you were the only one who went out and messaged people unfairly. No one else felt obligated to cheat because they disliked the host, only you. You hid it because you knew it was wrong. You should be permabanned from all future Forum Mafia games.
over 5 years
Whether you went in with the intention to cheat or not it is an undeniable fact that your read in Forum Mafia came from a conversation that happened outside of the game. That is irrefutably Outside of Game Influence and no amount of crack cocaine in the world can convince any rational human otherwise.
over 5 years
Imagine attempting to cheat and losing from it lol
over 5 years
How are you going to roleshare and continue to play that's legitimately OPENLY cheating.
over 5 years

arachnid says

I heavily softed my inno report on Pinks saying several times that they were my only tr when Happeh dying confirmed my reports womp.

You never claimed cop though so why would we assume you softed? goodfrog roleblocked me at night. which he might not have done had you outed the inno on me.
over 5 years
Ally, I literally 100% thought game was over. It's not like I communicated to get anything out of it. Dylan disappeared for 3 days without announcing the dead's alignment in lylo, I PM'd the dead to ask for their alignment and they said they were town. They had no reason to lie from my pov.

So I don't see why what I did can be construed in any way shape or form as cheating.. Let's be real here.

And actually I wish Spadez hadnt lied to me since she knew I trusted her and thought I was in autoloss. Ive already given her sh*t about this as I believe she shouldve wifomd or not claimed until the alignment was revealed to be mafia. Instead she sympathized with me.

This is the whole reason why I shared the situation publicly in the first place. If I had any bad intentions I wouldn't have revealed it. I wanted to explain why my read on Spadez was so strong and apologize for misleading town because of it.
over 5 years
You're only as strong as your weakest link lol
deletedover 5 years
I almost did but I felt like it wouldve made town have an easy win
over 5 years
Tbh Carmen should've been modkilled or force replaced as well lol.
over 5 years

matt says

And fwiw spadez would have been lynched prob into mw if you didn't derail the lynch

I did feel like the maf team were going to lose after spadez confirmed herself and then they killed LP that night
over 5 years
You definitely weren't allowed to communicate outside the game in resistance, you definitely shouldn't have been here. Dunno Why you felt otherwise.
over 5 years
over 5 years
Meh, the ending mess was my fault too. I didn't realise that telling Pinks about 'my' role would be considered a compromise since I lied; I failed to realise she took it as the 100% truth at face value. Since she was so hard on the lynch on Arrogate, I didn't think she would feel the game ended and I knew that it wasn't ending hence I thought talking about my role wasn't a big deal.

I shouldn't have responded to her especially since I have slightly more experience than her in playing thread games so that was my bad.

I hope forum mafia mods can keep that in mind before thinking to immediately dodge her.
over 5 years
And fwiw spadez would have been lynched prob into mw if you didn't derail the lynch
deletedover 5 years
do you not understand the joke