they pretty much are for the most part — closed role sandbox style games are more frequently played in main now
games lobby still has a purpose — for example if 2 ppl are playing a bunch of games especially quicker games it’ll essentially spam the lobby full of passworded 2 person games so moving all that to main would be awful
Fact of the matter is no one really cares about playing comp anymore. There's probably what? 3 comp games and hour?
Since Sandbox and games lobby are both dead it only makes sense (if you actually want to keep what small userbase is still remainaing) to merge the popular games & to allow people to have fun in main lobby,
ie. Ghost, Dice Wars, Liars Dice, Crack The Code have proven to be popular in main..
however you can keep this "MAIN LOBBY IS FOR DA INTEGRITY OF DA COMP AND GUNS AND HOOKERS" and let the site die even faster
Quite honestly, given the size of the current userbase, it might be best to merge together all the lobbies. I understand the desire to save the integrety of certain lobbies, but splitting up such a small userbase is only going to make the site feel more dead.
If we acknowledge that nobody even bothers with comp instead of mod alts who cheat constantly, then the mods will have no high horse to stand on and no real authority to p!ss on all us peasants anymore. GAMERS RISE UP!
Fact of the matter is no one really cares about playing comp anymore. There's probably what? 3 comp games and hour?
Since Sandbox and games lobby are both dead it only makes sense (if you actually want to keep what small userbase is still remainaing) to merge the popular games & to allow people to have fun in main lobby,
ie. Ghost, Dice Wars, Liars Dice, Crack The Code have proven to be popular in main..
however you can keep this "MAIN LOBBY IS FOR DA INTEGRITY OF DA COMP AND GUNS AND HOOKERS" and let the site die even faster
reminder that removing most non-mafia games was the first step to sandbox's depopulation
EU ban +Inactive Owner +Removal of games for the "Big change to sandbox" . I don't think removing the games would be a big issue in main so long as we listen to the people when they req for a new one to play.
If people can't even get a game on the lobby map because everyone is spamming draw it and jotto then I think that would probably prompt them to go elsewhere more than removing a few of the games.