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a thank you note i forgot to post

deletedover 6 years

i got access to a computer and some free time like a month ago, and although i only played two games during that time, i'm glad i had fun.

this was a thank you note that i wrote a few months ago but forgot to post, so some of these people might not even be here. still wanted to post it.

Dari- We haven't talked much recently, but I love you man. We've known each other for about 4 years now and I don't regret any single bit of it. Whenever you were there, i knew it would be a good time because you are just the type of person to make everything like a good time. i don't know why we stopped talking all the sudden, but i miss you man.

Cinnanie- I don't know how you did it when I spammed you that hard, but thanks for staying as my friend. you were someone who was a mature figure to me, someone that made me feel like there was something outside of the game. We've only been friends for 2 years, but it was a wild ride. i heard you don't play much vivor games anymore, but i hope you read this and know that i appreciate you.

JP- sort of a newer friend, but a good one nonetheless. when i stopped talking to dari and cinnanie, you were a close epicmafia friend (for me at least). when i was on the survivor discord in call adn you were there, i knew i could have some laughs and giggles, because you were just that type of guy. we haven't really gotten close, but you were the funniest, and that's all that mattered. thank you for making me laugh when times were rough.

Monte- at first i didn't really understand you, but the more i started knowing you the more i liked you. i felt like your personality was pretty underrated, because it's probably the most interesting out of everyone in this lobby. it was great getting to know you better, because you are one helI of a guy. continue destroying the games and become a legend.

roro- at first i thought you were like a r/niceguys type of guy, but later i realized that you being nice wasn't a fake persona, it was you. we haven't talked as much as i would like too, but you were one of the people who i would've loved to gotten to know better, because of how amazing you are. you're a great human being, and keep being awesome. if there was a subreddit called r/actualniceguys about guys who are just sincerely and amazingly nice, you would be there man.

school starting tomorrow so i'll be afk for a school year, brb

also if you don't know who i am, you're fine because this is an irrelevant person's alt so it's like double the chance that no one knows who this person is

over 6 years