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Pokemon Champions Cup

almost 6 years

The long awaited moment has arrived, welcome to the 1st POKEMON Champions Cup!


Group Stage

Knock-out Phase

Competition schedule

18-19 August 2018 15:00 NY time KNOCK-OUT PHASE for Champions Cup and Johto Cup


  • Before each match please PM me your team line-up and mention the order in which you want to use your Pokemon;
  • The tables and schedule will be updated after each round;
  • The NPCs will have balanced teams and their Pokemon order will always be randomly selected so that players can have a fair match against them;
  • 1st and 2nd places will qualify for the knock-out phase + new feature: 3rd places will qualify for the Johto Cup. There will be a draw and then a knock-out phase where each participant that finished in the 3rd place will face an NPC twice. The winner will advance to the next round until there are only 2 participants in the final.
  • If anything else comes to mind it will be added here;

Good luck!

deletedalmost 6 years
noot noot GG pingu
almost 6 years

xela says

JonSnow says

how did aron die with 1 hit doing 28% damage? THIS SIMULATION IS BROKEN!

oh, i think i might've missed copying something...i believe he got another hit but i was too sloppy when i c/p, sorry
almost 6 years
almost 6 years

JonSnow says

how did aron die with 1 hit doing 28% damage? THIS SIMULATION IS BROKEN!
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
Your next bsm, been waiting for this day
almost 6 years

JonSnow says

this was suprising!
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
>Ice Beam

almost 6 years
almost 6 years
that was a mess
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
lmao montecarrlo is a serial cuckhold
almost 6 years
666 vs bsm

almost 6 years
Sorry if you guys didn't realize my game was next and finished, we're still cleaning up the mess. It got pretty graphic.
deletedalmost 6 years
The rest is still coming right?
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
These are awesome not gna lie
almost 6 years
I don't know about you but i think this round had some interesting outcomes, wait for the others to see what i'm talking about.