deleted over 6 years
how do you say... fucĀk france
yeasayer says i was an infp for a long time but i keep getting enfp nowadays so i guess that's something, ask me anything do you think mbappe or griezman was more important for France in the world cup?
deleted over 6 years
i was an infp for a long time but i keep getting enfp nowadays so i guess that's something, ask me anything
I retoke it and landed INFP-A. I always seem to fluctuate between T and F, but all the others usually star the same.
UniversalStudios says Becomeclear says gathering all the EN type bros to complete my IN type so together we could be perfect bros You're looking for ES to compliment you. EN's are the ones you fight with when you're bored. I think you're talking about yourself here!
"EN" people are hilarious
Zhuorb says here's a fun write-up if anyone's interested You're my hero when you're not crying my forum posts.
Becomeclear says gathering all the EN type bros to complete my IN type so together we could be perfect bros You're looking for ES to compliment you. EN's are the ones you fight with when you're bored.
Vapid says You still haven't showed me when they decided to replace IQ tests with Myer's Brigg. But that's just an F argument, I guess. I'm not going to lie, I thoroughly enjoy watching F types try to reason beyond their feelings and being able to.
gathering all the EN type bros to complete my IN type so together we could be perfect bros
MafiaGod says ENFJ - Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder ESFJ - Masochistic Personality Disorder INFJ - Avoidant Personality Disorder ISFJ - Dependent Personality Disorder ENFP - Paranoid Personality Disorder ENTP - Compensatory Narcissistic Personality Disorder INFP - Histrionic Personality Disorder INTP - Schizoid Personality Disorder ESFP - Borderline Personality Disorder ESTP - Narcissistic Personality Disorder ISFP - Cyclothymic Personality Disorder ISTP - Antisocial Personality Disorder ENTJ - Sadistic Personality Disorder ESTJ - Passive Agressive Personality Disorder INTJ - Schizotypal Personality Disorder ISTJ - Depressive Personality Disorder I'm BPD and INFJ wut?
(I have traits of avoidant/dependent as secondary tho :c)
ENFJ - Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder ESFJ - Masochistic Personality Disorder INFJ - Avoidant Personality Disorder ISFJ - Dependent Personality Disorder ENFP - Paranoid Personality Disorder ENTP - Compensatory Narcissistic Personality Disorder INFP - Histrionic Personality Disorder INTP - Schizoid Personality Disorder ESFP - Borderline Personality Disorder ESTP - Narcissistic Personality Disorder ISFP - Cyclothymic Personality Disorder ISTP - Antisocial Personality Disorder ENTJ - Sadistic Personality Disorder ESTJ - Passive Agressive Personality Disorder INTJ - Schizotypal Personality Disorder ISTJ - Depressive Personality Disorder
So I took the test and it says PPPP-P for perfect :S
PoliticallyCorrect says Quiz is too long. What's my personality? Do it woof, it's quick
Quiz is too long. What's my personality?
HOKAGE well I guess I agree with this personality type thing