I am hosting a Pokémon Draw it tournament! (as well participating). Post affirmatively to participate.
Tournament Starts on Sunday, June 6th!!!! Groupings will be announced on this day.
Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tTsRjPnpzfxB1qb7CYp6fBsvlZOfG52vLjObIxKKPis/edit?usp=sharing
Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/EBBKRmJ (new link. this one won't expire.)
Game format
Groupings will be decided each round randomly, though some exceptions can be made for times zones/availability.
Once groupings are made, you will have 1 week to complete the game. Any player who does not show up forfeits. Message me if you need to work something out.
Number of rounds in each game will be (tbd).
One player will message me a screen shot of the end of the game.
Scores will be added up at the end of each Round. Whoever has the highest score at the end of the tournament wins. In other words, there will be no eliminations.
NO WORDS. AT ALL! If you cheat, you will be dq'd, no questions asked. If a player draws words, pls send me a screenshot as evidence.
You may not use numbers.
Players may study the deck.
Drawers may google a picture of the Pokémon while drawing.
No hints may be given in chat. Please send me a screenshot of evidence if this occurs.
Generally inappropriate or racist things may not be drawn.
All EM site rules apply.
You may use alts, but not in the same game. Just let me know so I don't pair you together.
Tournament Round 1: All games in the first round will be played with the deck: Pokémon (1st gen). Subsequent rounds will include other generations.
Round 1 Groups:
Blue Group:
Kinkajusrevenge Sloth Lucky Godofdarkness Peach
Green Group:
Linxe Speen Yare Songin
Shady12 Redsaber Bannanaxd Vapid
Augie279 MonteCarrlo SinB Tigerstyle
Arisuu BeepBeepLettuce Zhuorb Nohacs
Message each other, and figure out a time when you are all online. Play a game together, and send me a screenshot when it's done so I can verify the endgame scores.