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Survivor: Burma

about 6 years

Survivor: Burma

Burma, also known as Myanmar. Known for spectacular beaches, exceptional food, archaeological wonders, and a population of stoic monks. What's not to love???

Here, 15 castaways will embark on an epic quest, facing daunting challenges and intense social politics, as they vote out their competition. The last player standing will be deemed the Sole Survivor.

This game will occur on Saturday, June 2nd, at 8 PM EST. It's been a while since there has been a normal lobby game, so why not come out and test your skills?!

If you'd like, reserve here for a spot in Survivor: Burma! Reserves, however, are NOT required, but it's for me to get a general look to see who's willing to play! The number for players will be 15, but if there is a larger turnout, i will be willing to bump it up only to 18.

Reserve here!

1) beastman2764

2) Enzique

3) ICouldBeYourDad

4) Bannanaxd

5) FireDragonPrince

6) overthnkr11

7) Picante

8) CJKelly

9) Knife

10) Ally

11) cjn104

12) lucky

13) Flexing

14) Chanman123


about 6 years
deletedabout 6 years
Lil Tay may make an appearance to shut down all y'all broke haters
about 6 years
about 6 years
Oh no my gif died, I reserve anyways!
about 6 years
deletedabout 6 years
about 6 years
i'll reserve if you change it to Myanmar
about 6 years
sign me up, cap'n
about 6 years
bumpity bump
about 6 years
bump it up
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years