if we vote jeff to the top he wins a prize and today is his brirthdya!
deletedover 6 years
Voted some dude idk clicked a button randomly
deletedover 6 years
I hope an Oompa loompa gives a footrub to your mum She ends up with an Ewok in her mouth and a munchkin in her cuntt Wannkin seven dwarves while Mini-Me and Willow cover her in cumm. (Shotty Horroh)
Jeff is a male version of Krystena (unless krystena is a male then fk). Depending on who he talks to he'll switch character. He's as toxic as they come and probably is one of the pettiest people on this site. matt and pranay I added for memes.
deletedover 6 years
1/2 of this table are respectable players. jeff, holdenrye, ivana, matt, pranay should not be on this list.
i would add emily as of lately and some of these annoying circlejerk players...
deletedover 6 years
How did I forget JM123
deletedover 6 years
LOL some names are there for memes only I don't think ur all cunnts.